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Sunday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

The IAF struck terrorists in Gaza, including tunnels and weapons manufacturing families. Hamas sources report injuries.

**Rabbanit Feige Shochat was niftar in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on shabbos. She was the mother of the Admorim of Karlin-Stolin Shlita and Lutzik Shlita. The levaya was held on motzei shabbos. The kvura was in the Ancient Tiveria Cemetery.

**Israeli author Naomi Frankel died on Friday night in Sheba Medical Center at the age of 91.

**The body of a male in his 30s was found on Sunday morning near the Kever Rabi Meir Baal Ha’nes in Tiveria.

**Rav Yitzchak Ze’ev Wolpe, of the Chabad chassidus in Eretz Yisrael, was niftar on shabbos at the age of 87.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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