Hagaon HaRav David Yosef Prohibits Talmidim From Traveling To Meron On Lag Baomer

1HaGaon HaRav David Yosef Shlita, a member of Shas’ Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah, forbids his talmidim from visiting Meron on Lag B’Omer, insisting their time is better spent remaining in yeshiva engulfed in limud Torah.

Rabbi David Yosef echoed the call of his brother Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita, explaining he wishes to strengthen the words of the Rishon L’Tzion, calling on avreichim and talmidim from refraining from making the trip. Rav David added his father, HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L never traveled to Meron on Lag B’Omer, not even 50 years ago, calling on talmidim to follow this example.

Rav David added that efforts are ongoing to avoid the breach in tznius as the Reform and their supporters seek to make the Derech Mehadrin a mixed gender venue, citing they are simply seeking machlokes, labeling them as “evil and wicked”.

Rabbi David questioned if the Rashbi would support the lost hours of limud Torah involved in traveling to and from Meron as buses stand in traffic snarls for hours, explaining it is better to study his Torah and not contribute to bitul Torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Not sure if this is really consistent considering some of the stuff that goes on bein hazmanim where the time devoted to “bitul torah” makes a day trip to Merom seem inconsequential

  2. #2 bein hazmanim is meant asd a time to rest for the uopcoming zman it is much different taking a break in the middle of a zman and killing the consistency of day in and day out during a zman not to mention the tznius issues going to a packed location where many people are dressed inappropriately.

    rav chaim shmulevitz has a shmuez on why reb akiva when he heard his wife say she wished he stayed learning for another 12 years turned around to go back to the b”m and didnt even go in for a second to say hello ayin shom vehdvarim ye’duim.

  3. if someone would learn during that time, its better for them to stay in the bet midrash and for sure not to leave. however if your anyway not planning to learn then its ok and you can go to the meron.

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