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Chilul Hashem: Chareidi Children In Modi’in Illit Attack Firemen With Rocks

1One can only wonder what is going on when chareidi youths in Modi’in Illit decide to attack firemen with stones but this is just what occurred on Tuesday, 9 Iyar, when firefighters were responding to a blaze near the Torah city. The Chilul Hashem incident was the second in a week in which firemen were attacked with stones thrown by local youths. B”H there are no reports of injuries.

It is reported that firemen were compelled to stop their activities to bring a blaze under control to dodge the rocks aimed at them.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. As has been documented, the story that happened in Har Nof was way way over-exaggerated. An apricot pip thrown was reported as many rocks. Big adult firemen were scared of kids threatening them. Get real !!!

    I would therefore believe that the current report is similarly exaggerated, also because it doesn’t make sense that kids would attack firemen.

  2. YWN is implicit in the haredi hating. While I explect and demand the authorities arrest everyone involved in this incident, I do not think this gives a right for anyone to bash a sect.

    This story is sooo short, missing ALL points. Who were the hooligans, Was there anything that happened prior to this incident, Was this provoked in any way, What age range were the “kids”, Were their parents around, Are they within supervisor requirement age, Are they dropouts or real haredis, are they from the wacky fringe that protests with the arabs like in Iran, Please YWN, this we would expect from the ny post! The daily news. We have enough hate against us from the outside. Don’t need more from within.

  3. @Uri in Jerusalem: You wouldn’t say the same about big adult Israelis being scared of little Palestinian kids with their rocks.

  4. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself YWN?!?!?! If this is a chillul hashem then why report it? Are you looking to report every time a Jew does something wrong?!?!! What’s the point here mussar?!?!? This is getting really disgusting… It’s time for a new “YESHIVA WORLD” news site….

  5. Ywn should focus on reporting true frum news. A story like this is not news but a smear on a large tzibur- even if it did hapoen by a frw wild kids.

  6. To #1:

    Go back and read a timely treatise earlier this week by Rav Yair Hoffman on the inyan of “chilul hashem” and you will realize the stupidity of your comment. It is NOT a chilul hashem for YWN to report these events. As long as a small fringe of the Chareidi tzibur and their children act like terrorists and hooligans, it is imperative to shine a light on their behavior which is the real chilul hashem.

  7. If it’s true (which must be thoroughly investigated) it’s a disgrace, but doesn’t have to be publicized on a frum news website!!

  8. At least 90% of crimes committed in Israel by Jews are perpetrated by seculars. Some of the crimes committed are of a heinous nature — unimaginable to these criminals’ observant grandparents. And of course, “secular youth” NEVER attack Israeli police, border patrolmen, or anyone else. But only chareidi kids are required to salute and show respect for the honorable, well-mannered and well-trained law enforcement officers. I suppose I ought to be thankful no one has (yet!) posted any comments here about thugs, vermin, ungrateful criminals who ought to be shot on site, etc.

  9. This story is bizarre. There’s no reason to hate firemen. I have relatives in Modi’in Illit. I’ll ask them and post later today, BN.

  10. How can you call a Torah city a place that is chillul haShem? Obviously the chareidi youths in Modi’in Illit are not Torah inspired since a Chillul HaShem is not just a simple sin, but the worst avierah possible.

  11. The real version of the story is not the point, Just make sure your own kids aren’t doing something like this. (or playing with kids who are)

  12. the gemara says

    shusa dyenuka beshuka oiy davehe oiy deemai

    what a child speaks (and does ) in the street is based on what he sees at home
    there is something drastically wrong with the chinuch there

  13. american_yerushalmi said:
    “At least 90% of crimes committed in Israel by Jews are perpetrated by seculars….”

    While that may be true, if this attack occurred it constitutes a bigger problem. Seculars that commit crimes are probably doing so for personal gain and with less supposed training or education in ethics. When charaidim attack public servants (police, firemen, soldiers), they do so with an ideological hatred that runs deep. They use their Torah learning for the hatred and denigration of other Jews.

  14. MDG says: “When charaidim attack public servants … they do so with an ideological hatred that runs deep.”

    And those who chronically attack chareidim without respite, no matter what they (the chareidim) do or don’t do, are doing so with an even greater ideological hatred for frum Jews.

  15. I spoke to my Mishpacha in Modiin Illit and he didn’t hear anything on this story. Thus, my assumption is that this story is hyped up and in reality was much less of a deal than it sounds like.

    My guess is that a bunch of young mischievous kids threw rocks when the truck passed by “just because” (they do that here and yes I hate it) and not out of any “idealism”. The fire dept probably complained to the city counsel and when the media got word of it they blew it out of proportion.

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