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Belz Beis Medresh Expansion

belz.jpgWhile most visitors to the Belz Chassidus main beis medrash in Yerushalayim are impressed, it appears the building is simply too small and plans are underway to expand, to add an additional 1,000 seats.

While leaders of the chassidus were divided as to undertaking the project, with discussions beginning about two years ago, the overcrowded conditions during the yomim tovim this past Tishrei provided the impetus to obtain the green light for the project. Work is expected to begin in the coming weeks, and there is optimism as to the pace of the construction, hoping it will be ready in time for the Adar bar mitzvah of the Rebbe Shlita’s second grandson.
Additional seats will be added to the weekday shtiblach as well as the ezras noshim. The new seats are expected to sell for $10,000-$20,000.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. $20,000 a seat, WOW. Of course you can daven in the new Gerrer beis medrash for free. And the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita doesn’t demand any money from his chasidim to build the new Gerrer beis medrash.

  2. The Belzer Beis Medrash was considered the largest Beis Medrash in the world if I remember correctly. It was made to look like the Belzer Beis medrash in Galicia but made larger. Now it’s getting even larger. I wonder if they will extend its length and width and height so that it will still resemble the Beis Medrash in Galicia.

  3. #1, you’ve got it wrong. We WANT to pay! To have our chelek in this big Kiddish Hashem, making it OUR mitzva! We feel privileged!
    (btw that doesn’t mean to say somebody that doesn’t buy a seat won’t get anywhere to sit!)

  4. #6 Nu, and what is if it is on hills, if they really want they can move mountains. If a malchus says “oiker tureh – oiker tureh”, and it will happen.

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