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Sharpton: Ex-Wife, Daughter Treated Unfairly By Police

shar.jpgThe Reverend Al Sharpton says his ex-wife and daughter were treated unfairly when they were arrested Friday night during a dispute over a traffic stop.

Officials say Kathy Jordan, 53, and Dominique Sharpton, 23, were driving in Harlem behind a slow moving, unmarked police car.

They say Dominique Sharpton became aggravated and allegedly drove past the car and ran a red light.

They were stopped and got into an argument with police.

The women were given desk appearance tickets for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and obstruction of government administration.

Sharpton said on his Twitter account that he can’t imagine how two unarmed women with no record could be taken in cuffs with no personal or property damage and no drugs or alcohol involved.

Jordan lawyer called the arrests “highly questionable and unusual.”

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Lets figure this out. A woman went through a red light because someone in front of her was going to slow so like most dumb New Yorkers the woman decided to pass on a right (ILLEGAL) run a red light(ILLEGAL) and then gets stopped by the car she cut off which happens to be an unmarked car.

    Wait a minute, she is Al Sharpton daughter. Can’t arrest her or ticket her or do anything. She was just stupid without being drunk this time around.

    Police got to know better not to play with Mr. Al Race card trouble maker jew hater Sharpton.

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