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Israel: Pay Fines Early and Save

A bill that passed its first reading in Knesset on Wednesday would result in a cash incentive to pay parking fines early, a savings. In the past, the system worked by levying increased fines for late payment, but now, the lawmakers feel it may be increasingly effective to offer a reduction in the fine for those who make payment within two weeks of receiving the fine.

The private bill is sponsored by Kadima MK Eli Aflalo calls for an automatic 50% reduction in a fine that is paid within two weeks.

Likud MK Eli Akonis, in his capacity as head of the Knesset Economics Committee, is expected to discuss the bill, which is expected to pass the committee. The bill will then have to pass through the lengthy bureaucratic process to become law. The bill, if passed into law, will not be retroactive.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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