Man Who Appeared On Stage With Trump Is Convicted Felon

trA man who appeared on stage in New York with Donald Trump wearing a hat suggesting he was a retired police officer is actually a convicted felon who never served in law enforcement.

Newsday ( ) reported Tuesday that Dale Robert Javino stood with the New York Veteran Police Association at the April 17 endorsement on Staten Island. He later posed with Trump.

Javino was convicted in 1991 of possessing a Molotov cocktail outside a couple’s home. He was sentenced to 21 months.

The NYVPA president says he knew of Javino’s record but allowed him to wear the group’s hat because he’s been a law enforcement supporter.

The Secret Service says everyone at the event went through a metal detector.

Javino and the Trump campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment.


One Response

  1. So? The “woman” who constantly appears on stage for the Democrats is an UNconvicted felon who worked in the government.

    Hillary in Prison 2016!

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