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EU Attorneys Preparing Their Case Against IDF Officers

idf.jpgAs the anti-Israel community continues to benefit from the Goldstone Report momentum, attorneys in European countries are busy gathering statements and testimony from pro-Arab sources, seeking to build their case against IDF officers in the hope of filing charges against them in the future. They have not abandoned their plans to use the law permitting the filing of charges of war crimes against officers of the rank of battalion commander and higher in relation to their actions during Operation Cast Lead, as documented by the leader of the UN Human Rights Commission fact-finding mission to Gaza, Justice Richard Goldstone, a Jew who insists his loyalty to his land and people remain unwavering, adding he did what he could to downplay atrocities. He brazenly announced that if not for him; the report would have been more damaging, perhaps seeking a gesture of appreciation for his anti-Semitic effort.

The attorneys in a number of countries, including but not limited to the UK, Spain, Norway and Belgium are quite pleased with the Goldstone Report, which lends a significant air of legitimacy to their efforts to prosecute IDF officers and senior government ministers.

In Israel, Foreign Ministry and other officials have announced the government will use all its weight and influence to combat any and all efforts to bring charges against ministers and military personnel, rejecting the biased report which was based on a one-sided anti-Israel investigation, and fails to address Israel’s need and responsibility to its citizens to bring an end to over seven years of rocket attacks into southern Israeli population centers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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