After learning for a few years in Beis Medrash in the US and Canada, (almost) all 20/21 year-old bochurim go to learn in Eretz Yisroel. In recent years it has become well known that learning in EY brings with it a unique set of challenges. Many bochurim across the frum spectrum might prefer learning in the U.S. if there was a wider variety of quality yeshivos in the U.S. available to them.
Please take this quick survey to share your opinion. The survey is designed to assess the community’s interest in new, top-tier USA Beis Medrash programs for bochurim aged 21. Once we have sufficient information of the types of Yeshivos that there is strong interest in, the yeshivos will iy”H open. Please share your opinion and encourage your friends and acquaintances who are in Beis Medrash or who have sons in Beis Medrash, to also take the survey. You can remain anonymous if you so desire. Every opinion counts!
As a token of appreciation for your response, you will be entered in a sweepstakes in which you could win $500.
To participate in the survey, please click here.
2 Responses
I don’t seem to understand the questions ??? The more yeshivas we have the same goes to school the more privileged we are … If so the parents or buchirim have there choice were they want to learn … And then what a different world when yeshivas and schools will open there hands to accept everyone !!!!!
What’s good for one person’s son is not necessarily good for someone else. Depends on many factors. The bochur’s age, where he was learning before coming to E.Y., where he plans to learn in E.Y., is there family in E.Y. where the bochur can go on Shabbos and yomtov, will this family be a good influence on him. Sometimes people send their sons here to get away from problems in the U.S. Depending on the nature of the problem, this is not always a good idea. While some problems can be solved by a year or 2 in E.Y., some cannot, and can even be exacerbated by coming here. It requires a good deal of planning, consulting with educators both in the U.S. (ideally the bochur’s present rosh yeshiva) and in E.Y. And very much tefilla to Hashem for guidance in making the right decision.