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White House Continues to Pressure Israel

oko.jpgIt appears that Nobel Peace Prize laureate US President Barak Obama is desperately seeking to earn the prestigious prize, continuing to exert pressure on Israel towards achieving his noble goal. The White House wants to convene a peace summit on the premise of Israel’s commitment to the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, with a portion of Jerusalem as its capital, within a two-year period.

Lacking any substantial accomplishments elsewhere on the foreign policy front, and ailing in the popularity polls at home, the president appears determined to make his Mideast efforts his success story, at the expense of Israel’s historic, national, defense and other interests.

Obama’s grand vision also demands extensive Israeli land concession throughout Yehuda and Shomron, which translate to ousting more Jews from their homes. This is undoubtedly based on the success story of the 2005 Disengagement Plan, which has permitted Hamas to extend its venomous hand to Israel’s southern border, while restocking and arming for the next military conflict with Israel.

After such a summit would take place, the White House envisions Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) entering into “intensive” negotiations towards achieving a ‘final status’ agreement, somewhat perplexing considering the PA has yet to comply with previous agreements, including the need to eliminate internal terror, the confiscation of arms, imposing law-and-order rule and bringing an end to the ongoing incitement and anti-Israel teachings which are an integral portion of the PA educational curriculum, seeking to indoctrinate the next generation terrorist beginning with the most fundamental stage of education.

The White House has made its position clear, and the Obama administration has made a number of points crystal clear; that it remains less concerned with Israel’s future security than it does with the need to achieve a diplomatic success; that it remains determined to strengthen ties with Israel’s enemies, even at Israel’s expense; and that it is more than willing to continue the failed policy of ousting Jews from their homes in the name of honoring the so-called Palestinian right of return.

The distortion of history to justify Islamic claims to Har HaBayis are well in-line with the White House’s delusional foreign policy in the Mideast.

Nevertheless, it appears that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is remaining steadfast in his objection to demands for a total and unconditional Israeli construction freeze, the brazen American demands that a sovereign nation halt construction in its capital, all to appease a terrorist regime, in this case, the PA. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has announced that until Netanyahu halts all construction, he will not agree to enter into talks, seeking to place the pressure in Jerusalem’s court.

In the meantime, the shuttle diplomacy continues as senior aides to the prime minister, Yitzchak Molcho and Mike Herzog left for the United States this week, preparing for another round of talks with American’s chief Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, who has succeeded in the past in exhibiting his loyalties, which are far from Israel’s interests. Nevertheless, Netanyahu, a seasoned politician, is aware of the need to maintain a good working relationship with the White House, with several existential threats facing Israel today, from Iran, Hizbullah in S. Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, aware of the need for American assistance on the military armaments front and elsewhere.

Netanyahu has somewhat distanced himself from the right-wing voters who placed him in office as he established a parve coalition in the hope of completing a four-year term, as he simultaneously seeks to sidesteps American dictate and a growing international opinion that Israel withdraw to the pre-June 1967 Six Day War boundaries, namely a withdrawal from portions of Yerushalayim, Yehuda, Shomron, Jordan Valley, and Golan Heights, all in the name of living side-by-side with our terrorist neighbor, the PA.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. The more pressure he applies to Israel, the more money he receives from the Saudis unfortunately.

    Now, just watch some jerk blog on that I am racist and bigotted, that I am close minded, that I don’t know what I am talking about, etc.

  2. bubby, you are racist and bigotted and close minded and you dont know what you are talking about. Kidding! I just had to write that 😉

  3. To Flatbush Bubby – it is those that voted FOR obama that are the racists! Does ANYONE seriously believe that someone with his “qualifications” would have had ANY chance of getting elected if he had been white?!?

  4. The White House should pressure Obama about running THIS country. He promised to get health care to those who can’t afford it; not to take it away from those who work and pay for their plans. He promised to create a plethora of jobs to rebuild the infrastructure; many skilled laborers I know have not drawn a paycheck in months. He promised to get Bin Laden. Etc….etc….etc….etc…….ditto

  5. Bubby –

    As an aside, do you actually deny being racist and bigoted? Many people are almost proud of that fact, and I thought you were counted among them. Your comments often indicate prejudice and even racism. I can comb for some examples if you really want.

  6. #6, you make a good point, but it is not an absolute point. Abraham Lincoln did not win one election until the presidency. The reason Obama, who will add up to nothing, got into the White House is because Bush/Cheney totally ruined this country like neither Nixon or Carter could to, combined. The fact that Obama was underexperienced, worked for him and people gave him the benefit of the doubt, obviously.

  7. justajew, please, please comb through and show me the results publicly on The Yeshiva World. I have gotten sick and tired of being accused of being a racist when I know I am not and the accuser does not cite proof of why they feel the way they do.

    Or, is any criticism of Obama racism….

  8. “I remember when I was just newly married which goes back about 24 years ago of a mute person dressed with knitted kipah, tzitzis, and a white shirt going around Flatbush and collecting tzedakah for himself. Well, his father was an Arab, his mother was a shvartze, and that Rosh Hashana he broke into the dorm at Mirrer Yeshiva. Could it be the same person? Kinda far fetched. ”
    Comment by Flatbush Bubby — May 9, 2007 @ 1:33 pm


    Let me know if you want me to continue…

    We’re all a little racist. Some of us are more honest with ourselves about it.

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