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Shamni Uses Military Ceremony to Call on Chareidim to Serve

idff1.jpgUsing the forum to express his opinion on a number of issues, outgoing IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni was full of praise for the soldiers of the Netzach Yehuda unit, known more commonly as Nachal Chareidi. He added the project has proven itself and the unit is a success, calling to continue enlisting members of the chareidi community into the IDF, expressing satisfaction over the performance of its soldiers, now an integral part of the IDF infantry operations.

During his address on Monday, Shamni also made reference to the hilltop youth, without mentioning them by name, as well as extremist members of the settler community, the command he was leaving.

Shamni spoke at the ceremony held in IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi’s office, in the presence of Defense Minister Ehud Barak and other senior officials. Shamni’s next assignment is one signaling he remains in good standing with senior decision-makers, as he is the next IDF military attaché to Washington, DC.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. “During his address on Monday, Shamni also made reference to the hilltop youth, without mentioning them by name, as well as extremist members of the settler community, THE COMMAND HE WAS LEAVING. — What does that mean??? WHAT did he say in his reference to the hilltop youth, and the “extremist members of the settler community”??? VERY unclear.

  2. I have heard RELIABLE second hand reports, that many of the comanders are not symphtetic to Dati values.
    They create artificial circumstances that require chillul shabbat. ( ie tank repair, emergency training, etc..).
    Soldiers who are in the nachal charedi state quite clearly, anyone not strongly frum is in danger of going off the derech of dati.
    And they (soldiers) recomend caution before joining.
    This is something the leadership should check into.

  3. to # 2.
    I guess this is a strong statement about the true education we are receiving, that after over 15 years in the system it does not produce a yid who can survive outside of the ghetto.

  4. #3,
    You have really misconstrued my comment. I will give you benefit of doubt, unintentionally.
    1) i did not say –everyone- i said those “not strongly frum”.
    2) Secondly whats wrong with a ghetto? A voluntary ghetto, where kids can roam freely, and yiddish batteries can be recharged, after work or outside excursions. You probably fear ghetto mentality.
    3) Third, of course they can survive in an army, but we aim to thrive.
    4) Fourth, Why would anyone who finds their generations’ frumkiet vital, send or agree to send, to a place that actively aims to attack their belief system.
    5) Fifth; Nachlei chareadie’s mandate is to create a frum environment, to alleviate fears of being part of a very large statistic going off the derech, and they are violating that mandate.
    6) After violating that mandate, they hide that fact.
    There are many factors in serving in the army ( pro & con) , this was such a valid objection, that it was recognized a frum environment was needed.
    And that my friend was the point of my post. If you (The system) are giving me a frum alternative, to reduce my objections of our children serving in the army and allowing the hishtadlus of Hashem protecting us, Deliver what you promised.
    ( Hakuras hatov to those precious young neshomas- notwithstanding)

  5. #2, claiming to have heard “reliable second hand reports” would not be admissible in a court of law, so why should it be any different here? If you have not seen the specific situation with your own eyes, don’t say anything.

  6. #6
    You’re being ridiculous on two points.
    First this is a blog site not a court of law. I’m entitled to state an opinion even if i dreamed it.
    Second i clearly said; “This is something the leadership should check into”. That makes it constructive advice not a conviction.

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