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Benizri Prohibited from Attending Grandson’s Bris

Officials close to the matter report that despite receiving promises from Israel Prison Authority officials that R’ Shlomo Benizri would be permitted to take part in his grandson’s bris; he is not being permitted to do so. The bris is set for today, Tuesday (2 Cheshvan), in the Aperion Hall in Yerushalayim.

Requests have been made to senior officials, but apparently without success, despite Shas’ prominent role in the government and coalition.

Family members did not wish to hold the bris in Massiyahu Prison, and as such, an official request was not made, Kikar reports, explaining such an act would create too big a stir. In addition, the family felt holding the bris inside a prison was inappropriate.

The child is Benizri’s third grandchild, born to his son Daniel who was married last year. The family hopes Maran HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita will agree to be sandek. This will be announced on Tuesday morning.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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