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New in English: “Vehigadeta” Haggadah by Rav Yaakov Galinsky zt”l


Rav Yaakov Galinsky was the quintessential maggid, delivering thousands of fiery drashos in the halls of yeshivos and batei midrash, and before huge audiences, both religious and non-religious. He enthralled his listeners with his wit and humor, while reaching their hearts through his gentle rebuke and incisive “punch lines.” Rav Galinsky could move you to tears, while a moment later have you roaring with laughter. It is no exaggeration to say that a drashah from Rav Galinsky could propel a person to heights he only dreamed of reaching.

Now Rav Galinsky’s drashos are accessible in print to the English-speaking audience!

In Vehigadeta, the signature series of the maggid’s drashos, we find a magnificent treasure trove of Rav Galinsky’s brilliant insights, stories, and real-life lessons that are bound to transform you and your Seder. A perennial bestseller in Hebrew,Vehigadeta on the Haggadah shel Pesach has sold tens of thousands of copies. Find out for yourself what everyone is raving about, with the English edition of Vehigadeta! Makes a superb Pesach gift.

Vehigadeta is available at your local bookstore, or from Israel Bookshop Publications by clicking here.

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