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Jerusalem Municipality Begins Cleaning Ahead of Pesach

pesachJerusalem City Hall is getting ready for Pesach too, as cleaning is getting underway. The pre-Pesach program begins on Sunday, 2 Nissan in public and tourist areas around the city.

As Pesach draws near, the number of personnel assigned to cleaning the city will be increased and almost 1,000 personnel will be assigned to getting Jerusalem into shape before yomtov using 120 vehicles around-the-clock. The city will also place 220 receptacles for burning chametz in Ohel Shlomo, Armon HaNatziv, Bayit Vegan, Beis Yisrael, Bekaa, Givat Mordechai, Givat Massua, Givat Shaul, Gonen, Gilo, French hill, Jewish Quarter of the Old City, Har Nof, Zichron Moshe, Chomat Shmuel, Talbiah, Kerem Avraham, Meah Shearim, Machane Yehuda, Malcha, Makor Baruch, Mishkenos Sha’ananim, N’vei Yaakov, Nachlaot, Sanhedria, Ezras Torah, Ein Kerem, Ir Ganim, Patt, Katamon, Kaminetz, Kiryat Yovel, Mattersdorf, Kiryat Menachem, Kiryat Shmuel, Romeima, Ramot Polin, Ramat Denia, Ramat Shlomo, Ramat Sharett, Bucharim, Shikun Chabad, Shmuel HaNavi, Shaare Chessed and Tel Arza.

The city is also concentrating on removing objects that have been laying around including abandoned vehicles, asking residents to report such vehicles wherever they may be. Residents are asked to place items outside for removal between April 4th and 16th to permit the city to remove them ahead of yomtov.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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