Sheikh Raid Salah Promises Continues Clashes in Yerushalayim

Sheikh Raid Salah, who heads the northern branch of the Israel Islamic Association, continues to call on Muslims to come to Jerusalem’s Old City and defend “al-Aqsa against intruders” and to prevent them from visiting the Mount. Salah has been a very vocal voice behind the violence that has been taking place since erev Yom Kippur, and he is quoted in the daily Haaretz as stating “the violence will continue until the occupation of Jerusalem” by Israel comes to an end.

Salah has a long history of anti-Israel statements and actions, and has been linked in the past to fundraising and other activities carried out by Hamas.

In a related matter, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has issued a call to the world Arab community to step forward and support Jerusalem.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Incitement to violence is a crime. Yhis pereh adam need a LOOOOOOONG time behind bars!!! Hello HIGH Court of “Justice” – make believe this guy is a “settler” and lock him up!

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