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Pathetic: ‘Jewish Presence’ Sparked Eastern Jerusalem Violence

In keeping with its apologetic tone, Israel Radio on Tuesday morning examined “what sparked the Arab rioting” in Jerusalem’s Issawiya area. Seeking a reason for the firebombs hurled at soldiers and police before and during Yom Kippur, the report probed the situation and concluded that the increased Jewish presence in the area during the slichos and pre-yomtov season was more than the Arab residents could tolerate, apparently sparking the violence.

Once again, the pathetic secular press seeks a ‘reason’ for the Esav hates Yaakov behavior, as if the Jews visiting the Yerushalayim area are responsible, albeit indirectly, for the Arab violence which was simply sparked by Yismael’s need to remind us that a Jewish presence in Eretz Yisrael is unwanted, in Yerushalayim or elsewhere.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. “a Jewish presence in Eretz Yisrael is unwanted, in Yerushalayim or elsewhere” – Yes, that is true, and “elsewhere” includes anywhere on the face of the earth. For those who have forgotten, one of the big motivations for the formation of a Jewish state was precisely that we were not welcome in the rest of the world, and were told by our dear neighbors in our host countries (in words and/or actions) “go home Jew”. Yet, now that we HAVE gone home, they tell us to go back to Europe or America or wherever we came to Israel from. It would appear that the umot ha’olam just don’t want us ANYWHERE! Well, what a shame – because we ARE coming home more and more every day, we are B”H expanding in OUR land, and NO yishmaelim, NO world body, and NO world “leader” (including Israeli “leaders”) is going to stop it. Mashiach IS knocking on the door!

  2. I don’t think that the statement you quoted condemns Jews for being there, I think it explains the real reason for the arab violence – an anti-Semitic reaction to seeing too many Jews in their neighborhoods.

  3. to #2 Menachem – “Jews in E”Y when unwanted”??? -Jews are ALWAYS unwanted!!! And, Didn’t R’ Shach ztz”l live in Eretz Yisrael?!? Do you think the arabs WANTED him? R’Shach, et al, were against a Zionist STATE, these gedolim were never against Jews living in Eretz Yisrael. The arabs are against ANY Jews living ANYwhere in Eretz Yisrael (including Meah Shaarim and B’nai Brak). Face reality, to an arab, the Jews in Meah Shaarim are “SETTLERS” just like those in the Shomron. To the umos ha’olam any Jew alive ANYWHERE is a “provocation”.

  4. number one arabs are not semitic they are just jewish haters no difference if zionist orthodox jews they just hate jews curtsy of the left wing that hate them self

  5. #2 Arabs feel that Jews are unwanted in Bnei Brak, therefore…..pack up and get a move on it!!!

    When the first kehillos started outside of the Old City in Meah Shearim and Sharee Chesed they were unwanted, despised and even murdered by the ARABS, nevertheless the kehillas grew to what they are today.

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