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President Rivlin Speaks with the Leader of Turkish Jewish Community Following Terror Attack

84President Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday, 19 Adar-II spoke by telephone with İshak İbrahimzadeh, President of the Jewish community in Turkey and thanked him for the community’s assistance for the injured, and to the families of those killed in the terror attack in Istanbul which occurred on Shabbos, 9 Adar-II 5776.

The President also expressed his concern regarding the current situation following reports of threats to the community, and said, “We are very worried about the information we are receiving, and following the situation closely with the relevant authorities in Israel and Turkey. I would like to emphasize my gratitude to the Jewish community for all you did for those who were injured, and for your outreach to the families of those who lost their loved ones. Thank you for your care, you reminded us that ‘all Jews are brothers’.”

Mr. İbrahimzadeh thanked the President for his words and said that the community was familiar with making such a contribution, and that they did so for the sake, “of all humanity”.

President Rivlin offered to provide any necessary assistance for the Jewish community in Turkey, to which Mr. İbrahimzadeh responded, “Thank you very much. Hopefully we shall overcome this soon and return to normal life. We appreciate this offer and the solidarity of the State of Israel very much.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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