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Ministers to Meet on Sunday to Discuss Egalitarian Prayer Area At Kosel

koselIn response to a letter from Yahadut Hatorah threatening to rock the coalition over recent advances made by the Reform Movement in Israel, the Ministerial Law Committee is scheduled to convene to the discuss the matter on Sunday, 3 Adar-II. The committee will discuss the bill initiated by MK Moshe Gafne in which he seeks to circumvent the High Court’s decision compelling the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert to toivel in the local mikve with a Reform beis din supervising.

Gafne’s bill would prohibit religious councils nationwide from using mikvaos for giyorim who have to toivel. Gafne feels by doing this, any petition brought to the High Court cannot accuse his policy of being discriminatory since the prohibition would include Orthodox giyorim, who can use a private mikve.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. what a joke. what is reform ‘bes din’? they don’t believe in anything so what does the reform ‘bes din’ represent, rule, etc?

  2. ..
    cont’d #1 …as matter of fact what reading torah are they obligated, what physical laws does their torah have to have. Since they dont believe in oral torah (lets not talk about torah misinay)if so, then theres no reading torah mon, thurs, Shabbos, rosh chodesh etc . Theres no kedushas sefer torah ,that it has to be from the animal leather sown with kosher veins etc etc. Just take a printed chumesh if you want to clown around. So what are these movements clamoring about if not lehachis k’nimrod gibor tzeid lifney hashem

  3. Let’s get something straight.

    The purpose of these anarchists and nihilists is to destroy our Torah way of life. They do this under the false banner of diversity. In their mind, no person has standing to tell another that he is performing a religious observance incorrectly. That is, unless they are telling us that shul mechitzos are demeaning to women or patrimonial descent is necessary in order to avoid discriminating against persons who identify as Jews but have only one Jewish parent, daddy.

    One of the goals of this group is to violate the Torah not privately, but in your Orthodox face. If the Torah violation is not in your face, they have not fulfilled their mission. They are crass exhibitionists.

    They could build their own conversion “mikva” on some chiloni kibbutz and live happily ever after. This is not an acceptable option for them because their exhibitionist methodology requires that they act offensively and violate in your face.

    All of a sudden the mitzva of mikva is important and essential to them?! Reformers did not use a mikva in their (illegitimate) conversion procedures for 175+ years and now it is an essential component of their ceremony?

    These people are mentally unbalanced. A person’s religious activities should not have to be conducted in the face of an opponent to achieve legitimacy. Children will sometimes misbehave in a classroom to gain attention and perhaps admiration from their classmates. It is this attention which the misbehaving child craves and which gives him an emotional “rush” as he challenges the teacher’s authority in the classroom.

    As these pathetic persons have declared, this is only the beginning of their “struggle.” It is the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. I was at the kosel just last month and I saw the women in all their talis and tefillin glory. It was the first time I had seen talis and tefillin on persons who looked like camels.

  4. post revised in second to last paragraph
    Let’s get something straight.

    The purpose of these anarchists and nihilists is to destroy our Torah way of life. They do this under the false banner of diversity. In their mind, no person has standing to tell another that he is performing a religious observance incorrectly. That is, unless they are telling us that shul mechitzos are demeaning to women or patrimonial descent is necessary in order to avoid discriminating against persons who identify as Jews but have only one Jewish parent, daddy.

    One of the goals of this group is to violate the Torah not privately, but in your Orthodox face. If the Torah violation is not in your face, they have not fulfilled their mission. They are crass exhibitionists.

    They could build their own conversion “mikva” on some chiloni kibbutz and live happily ever after. This is not an acceptable option for them because their exhibitionist methodology requires that they act offensively and violate in your face.

    All of a sudden the mitzva of mikva is important and essential to them?! Reformers did not use a mikva in their (illegitimate) conversion procedures for 175+ years and now it is an essential component of their ceremony?

    These people are mentally unbalanced. A person’s religious activities should not have to be conducted in the face of an opponent to achieve legitimacy. Children will sometimes misbehave in a classroom to gain attention and perhaps admiration from their classmates. It is this attention which the misbehaving child craves and which gives him an emotional “rush” as he challenges the teacher’s authority in the classroom. These persons obviously get a “rush” when they defy Orthodox authorities and offend Torah believers. This is sick.

    As these pathetic persons have declared, this is only the beginning of their “struggle.” It is the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. I was at the kosel just last month and I saw the women in all their talis and tefillin glory. It was the first time I had seen talis and tefillin on persons who looked like camels.

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