Attack Against Jewish Man at Givati Parking Lot on Film

Police have security camera film footage that confirms the story given by a Jewish man who fired at and wounded two Arabs last Friday shortly before shabbos, in Jerusalem.

As is commonly the case, Arabs told police they were the victims in last Friday’s incident at Givati Parking lot near the Kosel, not long before shabbos. The intended victim explained to police that after he was surrounded and felt in life-threatening danger he fired his licensed weapon in the air but the warning shots did not deter the mob. He then fired at their legs, injuring two.

The film shows the attackers kicking and spiting at the victim, who was accosted without provocation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The joke is that they needed the video cameras to believe him. These arabs are taught from the day they are born to lie, steal, and kill the jews. Ksiva vi chasima tova!

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