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Tibi Wants a Knesset Session Following Goldstone Report

Arab MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi is calling to convene a special Knesset session to address the alarming Goldstone Report, the UN human rights report charging Israel with “war crimes” and possibly crimes against humanity in reference to the IDF’s performance in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.

The military operation was in essence a counter-terrorism offensive intended to stop years of rocket attacks into southern Israel’s population centers. Over 5000 rockets struck Israel while the international community observed, occasionally condemning attacks but not taking action. This includes the United Nations, which continues to follow its anti-Israel platform, using every opportunity possible to continue acting as an international lobby for the Arab cause.

Tibi added that it is imperative “that the guilty parties” address “the difficult questions” in a special Knesset session prior to the matter being brought before the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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