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Human Rights Watch Ousts Nazi Memorabilia Collector

nn1.jpgAfter pro-Israel bloggers spread the word that Human Rights Watch investigator Marc Garlasco is a collector of Nazi memorabilia, he was dismissed from the organization pending the outcome of an investigation. It should be added that Garlasco will be receiving his full salary during the suspension period.

One blog, Mere Rhetoric, revealed posts that Mr. Garlasco had written on collector websites using the moniker “Flak88”, the designation of an anti-aircraft gun used by the Germans during the Second World War.

Garlasco denies being a Nazi, explaining his interest is military history and nothing more. He explains that since we all know how evil the Nazis were, it is obvious to all that he is not affiliated with them since he did not take any steps to hide his actions.

Garlasco’s name has been associated with a number of anti-Israeli reports in the past.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I have some insight for all of you on this: recently i was corresponding to an anonymous all around good guy your typical upstanding American goy, even though i dont know him personally i know him to be a good person. i asked him as follows (keep in mind he didnt know i’m Jewish)Don how can freedom loving Americans who love the rule of law and who are otherwise good people collect Nazi memorabilia how can we collect a Nazi walther p38 which was used to shoot children in front of their parents, how does a good person enjoy collecting such things?
    Here is his reply:

    Wow, after the way you put it, I may have changed my own perspective. First off, let me warn you that I’m a huge WWII Buff. I build WWII models for a living and the most popular subject by far is the Wermacht. German Figures and Armor are the number one sellers by a long shot. It has nothing to do with the Nazi philosophy. Germany developed a war machine that almost conquered all of Europe with ease. They’re Bliztkrieg strategy was so effective, that France was defeated before the invasion because of fear. France had the largest army in Europe by far and they would have taken England but for the support of America.

    It’s not about the ideal of Fascim or the Super Race. Anyone with any respect of mankind would reject such non-sense. The Holocaust was a tragedy that has marked mankind for generations. The fascination is about respect for the German War machine. It made so many advancements in almost every field that the U.S. and Soviet forces raced to obtain all they could at the end of the war. The first Jets, their Tanks were so far ahead of every country (Until the Russians cranked out the T-35), V-2’s, the submarines, and their Luftwaffe …etc. I love German engineering. I own a E 320 Mercedes for that reason. You know from my channel that I support Israel and am not a racist by any standard, so I can tell you that collecting German War relics is a worthy investment. I own quite a few pieces myself. Yes, the German SS and Gestapo was ruthless and inhumane. I abhor it. But the German people were under a propaganda machine like no other. Kind of like we are today. Thank goodness we have the Third Reich to show us what we don’t want.

    It’s not Philosophy… it’s about their achievements in Warfare. And great they were. Plus, the value of items marked with the Nazi symbols mean high value 🙂 That’s the capitalist coming out in me.

    I hope this helps you to understand that it’s all about Respect. America has made many mistakes… but it’s her achievements that make her Great!

    Kind regards,

    Here is his reply after i told him i’m jewish:

    Hey Eric,
    Being Jewish would have an impact on my “Fascination” of the German War Machine. As I stated earlier, I am a big Pro-Israel Supporter so I’m not without understanding. What the German’s did is inexcusable and should be a monument to mankind to stay far away from that Dark Path. May we never face that scourge again!

    Take care my friend. Thanks for the kind words~



    As you can see here a goy is not so connected with the holocaust like we are they just dont have that same sensitivity, doesn’t make them hateful or anti Semites

  2. eric55 you are correct in your post, but, there is a great difference between collecting nazi-era weapons and admiring their engineering ability (I myself as an engineer admire their engineering and would not be averse to owning models etc. from WW2), and collecting medals as Garlasco does.

    There is little to admire in Nazi (or even plain Wehrmacht) medals… unless you have a perverse fascination as Mr Garlasco seems to have.

  3. #2, sorry but I am not buying what you are obviously selling. Someone having a respect (which collectors do) for those who committed unspeakable horrors, to the point they want to collect memorabilia of those who committed those acts is insensitive at best and sick at worst, and there are underlying spiritual factors at work in their fascination.

    On an level having no comparison, suppose someone were associated with “ordinary” murder, like Charles Manson. Reading the book or studying the case is one thing; buying articles of his clothing or things he wore to have them in your house moves one from a curious bystander to one who is a fan to some degree.

    P.S. I know of someone who sympathizes with aryan philosophy and wears a swastika tattoo from a rally he attended. He knows I am Jewish and, to make a long story short, has an amicable rapport with me. So what? The nazi (ys) brand of antisemite was known to be quite charming and engaging to those he would torture under other circumstances.


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