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Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Turns to Satmar for Financial Assistance for Bnei Brak Talmid Torah

satIn the coming days, a fundraising event will take place in NY on behalf of mosdos “tenokos shel beis raban” in Bnei Brak that were established by the Chazon Ish ZT”L. This talmid torah meets the Satmar criteria of ‘taharas kodesh’, not accepting any funding from government agencies in Israel.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, in a rare move, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita sent a letter to the Satmar vaad that addresses funding and assisting such mosdos requesting assistance for this cheider. Rav Chaim explains in publicized calls for assistance that they do not accept funds from “foreign sources” but only from “mayim chaim”.

Rav Chaim explains the talmid torah is in difficult financial straits and is seeking assistance to permit the talmid torah to continue.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Satmar must step up and put medal to pedal. The only zechus the Zionists have is the continuation of TRUE Torah in the Holy Land not by giving in to “egalitarian services”.

  2. BP27: Rav Chaim’s letter is addressed to “HoAdmor HaGaon HaRav Aharon Teitelbaum M’Satmar shlit’a”.

  3. Satmar has been supporting Litvish Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel, including Brisk and other Yeshivos that refuse to accept money from the Israeli government, for many decades already.

  4. The one thing I don’t get in all of this…
    Why don’t the askanim ever give the gedolim lined notebook paper to write on? It’s very hard to write in a straight line on plain white paper – that’s why lined paper was created. It’s the weirdest thing…

  5. Tashbar in Bnei Brak really is one of the world’s leading chadorim. The Brisker Rav zt”l instructed them to copy Etz Chayim in Yerushalayim which was organized by the Rav of Yerushalayim Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin zt”l and they, like Kaminetz in Yerushalayim recieved this pask from the Brisker Rav.
    All the years the Steipler zt”l kept the money al taharas hakodesh and they are following this way for over a half a century.
    Many chadorim across the world have come to learn from Tashbar’s teaching methods and administrative protocol.

  6. Just wondering why R’ Chaim sent the letter to R’ Aaron… isn’t he informed that Shekel HaTohor that’s lead by his brother are the ones who are giving the millions of dollars for those Moisdes that don’t take the goverment funding? I guess that the one who took care of this article so something about Taharas HaKoidesh and money so he thought that the picture that belongs here is from R’ Zalmen Leib… I guess this picture is still in his mind after the storm that was in the papers a few weeks ago when R’ Zalmen Leib was in israel…

  7. ********ALERT**********

  8. once again the letter from harav chiam kenevski is to reb aharon but the picture is from reb zalmen lieb this is causing confusion, the picture should have been from reb aharon as harav chaim kenevski addressed the letter to his attention trusting him to lead the effort in saving tashbar.

  9. Can someone explain why R’ Chaim has to write the fundraising letters for this cheder. Isn’t there a secretary or something who can do that?

  10. Many of the comments about who the letter was written to and which of the Satmars is shown in the picture miss the point. Both the Aronites and Zalmanites have the SAME view of providing financial assistance to mosdos which also take money from the government. Does it really matter which brother is shown in the picture??? They are two peas in a pod when it comes to their dislike of the medinah and reluctance to do anything that would imply support.

  11. Why are we bloggers looking to agitate?
    ויעשו כולם אגודה אחת לעשות רצונך בלבב שלם
    My question is why he has to approach the חסידישע וועלט altogether? Gezunterheit! But aren’t the Yussel Tabaks and the Rubi Schrons of the Littvishe velt doing their part?
    But then again, all the ‘עם ה should unify in all aspects and משיח will be here!

  12. I was surprised when I was teaching in Satmar that many Satmarn (maybe it’s the norm, I don’t know) do not go to kivrei tzadikim when they travel here. But I am just as fascinated with this scenario – if there is a fire, do they call 102? Or do they pass buckets along a line?

    I still can’t fathom why those who abhor the State live or visit. If they don’t approve of the rest of us, if they don’t accept support, if they don’t work but expect some kind of personal handout & don’t visit our holy places….why are they still here? For the sun? They can move to Iran for that.

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