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MK Elazar Stern: The Government Has Indeed Recognized Reform Movement

sternMK Elazar Stern told Kol Chai Radio on Wednesday evening the eve of 23 Adar-I that despite statements to the contrary from religious Members of Knesset, it is now clear to all the administration has officially recognized Reform and Conservative Jewry, an unprecedented move which he praises.

Stern stated that amid mounting pressure and criticism for their passive agreement which permitted the cabinet to allocate the egalitarian prayer area, religious legislators are trying to downplay the significance of the move but it is clear to all just what occurred and today, a new reality exists.

Stern mentioned MKs Moshe Gafne and Meir Porush by name, explaining “they would like to interpret events to suit their needs”, adding “While I am not Conservative or Reform, but Orthodox, I believe Reform Jews are part of Am Yisrael”.

He added that while clearly assimilation numbers in the religious community are significantly less than among Reform Jewry, they are nonetheless Jews and major supporters of Israel. Stern pointed out that “Israel does not have an abundance of friends and we mustn’t be quick to disregard them”, adding one should not assume that just because one is Reform or Conservative that he does not know a lot of torah, for at times this is not the case.

He emphasized that the bottom line is that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took an unprecedented step, and adding to his amazement is the fact that the chareidi parties and Bayit Yehudi are still in the coalition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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