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The Reform Movement Continues Efforts to Create New Religious Realities in Israel

koselAccording to a recently released report by the Liba (Core) Center, an organization seeking to strengthen the Jewish character of the State of Israel, the Reform Movement and its affiliates have filed over two dozen petitions in the past five years challenging the chareidi way of life.

Of late, pressure and political lobbying have led to a number of successes, including (1) the allocation of an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel, (2) moving the IDF consciousness unit from the IDF Rabbinate to the Manpower Branch, (3) and the High Court decision compelling the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert to toivel in front of a Reform beis din.

According to the report, at least 25 petitions were filed in various courts with many addressing efforts to change the character of education in the chareidi community as well as changing the religion and state status quo. This the center documents the constant effort to change reality and the organizations working against the chareidim are trying to get involved in every aspect of life. The report adds in some cases the petitions were turned down by the courts and in others, a court decision was circumvented by Knesset legislation.

One petition, filed about two months ago by Hiddush and the Israel Religious Action Center sought to eliminate funding for daycare centers, funding that was tailored for the chareidi tzibur. That resulted in a court order to halt funding pending the state’s response in the case.

Three years ago, the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism filed to compel introducing the scholastic achievement tests given in public schools into chareidi schools. Eventually, the petition was canceled and then Education Minister Shai Piron eliminated the tests nationwide.

There have also been petitions seeking to compel the state to recognize civil marriage as a solution to the growing number of people categorized being “without any religion” who wish to marry. This petition was also pulled after the High Court explained the place for this is the Knesset, where appropriate legislation must be passed.

Just a few weeks ago the IRAC (Israel Religious Action Center) filed a petition seeking defined criteria for national service programs in what appeared to be an effort to eliminate the possibility of one serving in EFRAT (Committee for the Rescue of Israel’s Babies) for one sheirut leumi service. This too was withdrawn as the matter was addressed in Knesset.

Four years ago there were two petitions against Tzfat Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita in addition to demand to place him on trial for “racist” statements when he spoke out against selling or renting homes in the city to Arabs. The petitions were rejected but an investigation was launched and eventually, the attorney general ordered the closure of the case against the rabbi.

There were petitions to change the procedure for the appointment of a director-general of the nation’s rabbinical courts, demanding the appointment of a woman to the post. This two was not accepted.

Other petitions and legal challenges included the former Tal Law, which permitted chareidim to continue learning and not serve in the IDF for seven years, to permit non-Orthodox converts to toivel in municipal mikvaos, to recognize Reform converts to permit them to receive Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return, to receive state funding from the Ministry of Education for schools and institutions, and more.

The center adds that based on its wealth of experience, based on the many petitions filed that have been studied in-depth, the moment the government adopts a position, the High Court would generally back down and therefore, the center believes the chareidi MKs are incorrect and the High Court would not have ruled to permit the Reform mixed prayers at the Kosel as they fear.

They explain that Prof. Aviad HaCohen, an expert, is also of this opinion especially if the government decided to accept the position the rav in charge, Kosel Rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, is the person who decides the character of the holy site. Hence the statements by chareidi MKs who were passive regarding the egalitarian prayer area are not based in reality the center feels and it could have been prevented without High Court interference.

The center points out that despite recent ‘victories’ by the Reform Movement and its affiliate groups, the High Court by and large did not accept most of their petitions, adding credibility to their position.

Center officials’ told Kol Chai Radio that they regularly consult with dozens of rabbonim including gedolei yisrael shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Haredi MKS need to learn Modern Etiquette in Public communications! Obviously calling the opposition of his views “Mentally Ill” will not only Not Work for HIM but will HELP them by people Sympathizing with Them for Being called Mentally Ill! And certainly many non religious will say these Haredim think we All Are Mentaally Ill or Not Jewish. What is needed for Haredi MKs is perhaps reading a lot of Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch and his Style and of his disciples in how to address Reform. Even Rabbi Sherer of Agudah of America of yesteryear was good in his choice of words. Haredi MKS (and maybe OU and Agudah itself!) should letter write to publications in English and Hebrew that Reform has WITHERED MUCH OF AMERICAN JEWRY. It has thrown away many of Classical Judaisms practices and most of the fundamental Beliefs including Positive Belief in G-d, in Reward and Punishment by Him, in Prophecy, in the Prophecy of the WHole Torah by G-d to Moses, in the coming of Messiah and in the eventual Resurrection at the end of times of the righteous. They also have done away with MOST of the rules of Sabbath (at one time they even switched it to Sunday), advocate free for all abortion and absolutely no qualms of any lifestyles (despite them being openly disallowed in Scriptures). To no shock there is a lot of assimilation and inter marriage (majority of them) to the point one is not sure what percentage of Reform Jews are actually Halachically Jewish. Obviously to Dedicated Committed Jews this means Reform Judaism was a catastrophe who we do not want to end up taking any power in Israel which was set up as a refuge Jewish State. Otherwise it may lead very likely to an Increase in Mamzerim (Bastards) in Israel and it may no longer be (it isn’t anyways due to many Russian and other non Jews) for granted if you come to Israel you will probably marry a Jew. It needs to be Emphacized this is not against Reform JEWS but Reform JUDAISM.

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