This Sunday, Rav Shalom Arush shlit”a, author of the famed “Garden” series, is embarking on his third tour of the Americas. He will be in the following cities: Sunday, Toronto – Monday, Tuesday, Los Angeles – Wednesday, Las Vegas – Shabbat and Sunday, Miami.
There will be live English translation, via headset, by Rabbi Lazer Brody shlit”a.
Miami’s event will be for both English and Spanish speakers. Rabbi Brody will be translating in English and Rabbi Yonatan Galed in Spanish.
Private meetings with Rav Arush are available on a very limited basis. For more information and to schedule a meeting, contact staff@breslev.co.il.
4 Responses
May he have Hatslacha and Siyata diShmaya !
We must get our wits about us and put an end to all this irrational tzedakah giving to all these questionable individuals…Support Toah Instead!!
Al Daas Hamakom. While Garden of Emunah and Shalom might not be your cup of tea, he has inspired others to heal. When it comes to rebuilding a shattered Jew, we need to find him the right medicine.
Someone people heal with Talmud, and some with mussar. We need both.
Perhaps we can refrain from the lashon hora. I think this would qualify.
We say in davening “”Ki Imcha Haslicha “” One must daven for HIMSELF.This is the correct approach for good things.