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Are the Chareidi MKs Missing the Big Picture Regarding the Reform Movement?

eichSome feel chareidi elected officials are missing the big picture regarding recent significant advances by the Reform Movement in Israel, fearing MKs from Yahadut Hatorah and Shas may be viewing each advance as an isolate case instead of seeing the bigger picture, de facto State of Israel recognition of Reform Jewry.

In recent week there have been noticeable advances boasted by Reform Movement leaders. These advances include (a) a High Court decision allocating an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel, (b) stipulating the Chief Rabbinate of Israel will have no involvement in the running of this area, but Reform & Conservative Movements leaders will (c) a high court decision compelling the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert to toivel in front of a Reform beis din (d) the ordered move of the IDF Jewish Consciousness Unit from the IDF Rabbinate to the Manpower Branch and (e) the meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and high-level Reform Movement leaders from the US and Israel. Adding to the list, President Reuven Rivlin is expected to meet with visiting Reform leaders this week as well.

Adding to the current unwanted atmosphere, Reform leaders are expected to visit the new egalitarian area this Thursday, 16 Adar-I to hold a mixed prayer service following their recent victories, which they explain is tantamount to official recognition. (The area hasn’t been set up yet but they will use the area).

While Yahadut Hatorah continues to insist their decision was correct, to remain passive and permit the allocation of the egalitarian prayer area, there is a growing sentiment among the frum community in Israel that they erred and in fact, the Reform has since celebrated other victories and it appears it may now be too late to stop this momentum.

MK Yisrael Eichler told Kol Chai Radio on Tuesday morning 14 Adar-I, the situation is much worse than most realize for in fact, the Reform Movement and its money already controls political parties such as Yesh Atid, Meretz and even Likud, explaining many Likud Members of Knesset are controlled by the money strings of the Reform Movement.

Eichler comes to the defense of his colleagues explaining Moshe Gafne and others from Degel Hatorah were opposed but regarding the decision to break form the coalition, this must be made by Gedolei Yisrael not the MKs. He explained that the chareidim breaking from the coalition would be yet another gift to the Reform Movement for all said and done, their continued presence has resulted in significant gain for the frum tzibur throughout Eretz Yisrael.

Kol Chai, Mordechai Lavi:

I know when the chareidi MKs are opposed to something they wage a war without compromise, and continue until victory is at hand. This was not the case here.

MK Rav Yisrael Eichler:

You are correct. What demands a response today however is the fact that PM Netanyahu invited Reform leaders and met with them. This demands a response.

Kol Chai adds there is also “significant anger” among Chabad shluchim, who are described as “Extremely concerned”.

The report explains the shluchim B”H have been successful in making bar mitzvahs for countless numbers of non-frum youths but now, families in many cases will opt to have their bar mitzvah in Israel at the new Kosel area in a mixed setting and far from frum custom, for the egalitarian area would be more in line with their lifestyle.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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