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Gafne Threatens to Rock the Coalition After PM Netanyahu Meets with Reform Movement Leadership

gafMembers of Knesset of the Degel Hatorah faction of Agudas Yisrael are becoming increasingly vocal in their criticism against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who earlier this week met with representatives of the Reform Movement from both the United States and Israel.

That meeting is seen as a step up in relations between state officials and the Reform Movement following other recent victories including the allocation of an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel; the decision to move the IDF Jewish Consciousness Unit from the IDF Rabbinate to the Manpower Branch; and a High Court ruling compelling the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert to toivel in front of Reform beis din.

In fact, MK Moshe Gafne and his colleagues, who insist they are acting upon instructions from Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, are coming under fire for standing by as the State of Israel officially recognizes Reform Jewry.

As PM Netanyahu hosted the Reform delegation on Monday, 13 Adar I, Gafne and his colleagues on Tuesday morning warned a red line that should not have been crossed was violated. Interestingly, while voices are opposition are audible from inside Yahadut Hatorah, Shas remains silent, as does the Bayit Yehudi party. Bayit Yehudi did however agree to join forces with Yahadut Hatorah and Shas in combating the High Court ruling pertaining to the mikve in Beersheva.

Gafne is quoted by Yated Neeman explaining first and foremost, the meeting that occurred between the prime minister and Reform leaders will be examined to determine if any of the coalition agreements were violated. Gafne adds he cannot ignore the meeting that took place.

The newspaper quotes Gafne saying the chareidim are aware there are areas in which Mr. Netanyahu is very sensitive and they do their best to respect those sensibilities, questioning why the same does not hold true in reverse. He adds the meeting that took place is tantamount to stabbing the Jewish People in the heart for they represent the destruction of the Jewish People and assimilation.

MK Uri Maklev adds the Reform representatives did not happen to come to meet but there is a clear agenda as in his words “they wished to celebrate with Netanyahu” over recent advances.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It seems that the lack of achtus in the frum camp is contributing the the rise of the deformed movement. Frum yidden are supposed to be behaving like Hashem’s shluchim.

    Perhaps these reform victories are a slap from our abba.

    Or perhaps the power of money and ego is overwhelming politicians on in both the frum and non-frum camp

    any thoughts?

  2. We need transparency laws not only for anti-Israel NGO’s that are supported by foreign elements but also transparency laws for political parties and politicians that are also receiving largess from anti-Israel groups.
    The Reform have led to the destruction of large segments of American Jewry-we certainly don’t need any more of their anti-religious venom like Hidush here in Israel!

  3. What is MK Gafne going on about? Just about every prime minister, minister and MK has, at some point of his/her career met with Reform Jews. Israel welcomes ALL Jews, secular and religious, charedi and Reform. MK Gafne may hate and boycott Reform Jews but he can’t really expect the Prime Minister to hate and boycott them too.

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