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ObamaCare Supporter Bites Off Finger Of Protester

ohc.jpgAuthorities are searching for a healthcare reform activist today who they said bit off the finger of a 65-year-old counter-demonstrator during a fight at a rally in Thousand Oaks.

“It all started with their difference in philosophy over healthcare reform,” said Senior Deputy Eric Buschow of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.

The incident occurred about 7 p.m. Wednesday at a “We Can’t Afford to Wait Vigil” organized by affiliates of the activist group, which drew supporters of President Obama’s healthcare plan, Buschow said. The rally also attracted several counter-protesters, he said.

During the rally at Lynn Road and Hillcrest Drive, near the Oaks Mall, the two men got into a heated argument and began fighting.

“At which point, one man bit off the left pinky of the other,” Buschow said.

The injured demonstrator then drove himself to Los Robles Hospital and Medical Center about a mile away, he said.

Ilyse Hogue, director of political advocacy and communications for, called the incident “a regrettable act of violence” in a statement released this morning.

“While we do not have any more facts about what happened than what we saw in press accounts, MoveOn condemns violence in all forms,” Hogue said. “We support the Ventura County sheriff’s investigation into the situation. It is in our firm hope that this event does not detract from the tens of thousands who were out peacefully making their voices heard for health care reform and a public option.”

Authorities said they are looking for a white male in his late 40s or 50s who was last seen wearing black shorts and a black shirt.

“We’re still trying to figure out who was the aggressor,” Buschow said.

(Source: LA Times)

21 Responses

  1. Mr. Obama plans to announce his health care plan last week – then you can call it “Obamacare”. The currents plans being discussed are all the work of various congressional Democrats, not the president.

  2. I think that the aggressor was an ex boxer who found cartilege a bit tasteless. How hard could he be to find?

    The important question is, what kind of medical care did the victim receive?

  3. I meant to say, he plans to announce it NEXT week.

    He has cleverly let Nancy Pelosi and friends make proposals, which he is free to use, or reject.
    Everything heretofore were mere suggestions from the ccongressional Democrats. He can base his proposal on the responses to their proposals (I’m willing to bet “no death panels” will be included when he proposes Obamacare next week).

    Perhaps Obama is getting cleverer.

  4. This was obviously a calculated event by Obama himself, in order to demonstrate the need for universal health care.

    Just kidding – hope they arrest the psycho.

  5. “We’re still trying to figure out who was the aggressor,” Buschow said. ???
    Am i the only one who sees something wrong.
    Sounds like the LA Times together with Buschow are trying to mitigate the incident.
    Can you imagine the reaction if it would have been a Bush supporter, or worse, someone from the Palin camp?

  6. #7 Baal Boose

    The confusion stems from the fact that it’s unclear who “threw the first punch” – not that it really matters when someone loses a finger.

    “Can you imagine the reaction if it would have been a Bush supporter, or worse, someone from the Palin camp?”
    Probably widespread news coverage, claims of extremists taking over, and chastising all around. Just like what we have now.

  7. #3 It’s more than semantics. The point is that we shouldn’t be pointing a finger at Obama when it’s a larger group who is leading the proposal.

    Anyway, the bottom line, is that there is a need for reform. The only reason why it won’t happen is become the interest groups are too strong.

    The setup in Israel or Canada is much more sensible than what we have here.

  8. should supply the list of all their members immediatley to police and get to the bottom of this immediately. Otherwise it will reflect on the entire organization. Move on should pay for DNA tests also to convict this guy so he can’t bite again.

  9. NoRed Herring,

    You are so far from the truth that’s it’s incredible.

    These states are crying about their system. Go ask any Canadian or British.
    When they truly need some serious medical treatment, where do they go to?

    And as far as the aggresor is concerned, it just goes to show you who Obama’s supporters are. A bunch of lowlifes, a bunch of thugs,a bunch of cruel animals, who will do whatever it takes to push their agenda onto people, against their better wishes, be it even by biting off someone’s finger, if necessary!!!

  10. NoRedHerring, the Canadians and the Israelis come here to the U.S. for their healthcare because the Israeli and Canadian system is so horrible. Just ask my son who learns in Israel and my neighbor who has family in Canada.

    But, the biter belongs in an orange jump suit. Folks, I think it is time to practice the Talmudic injuction of protecting oneself. First do what Yaakov did against Eisav; try to appease, daven, and then let them have it!

  11. Obama rallied behind the plan and pushed for its passing – while admitting that he did not know what it contained. He traveled the country in its support, and the White House staff was deeply involved in the bill – hence the name Obamacare.
    When Obama saw that there is fierce opposition, he stepped back and started claiming that he will come back with a plan after the summer recess. What he will propose and what the congress will eventually vote on may not reflect the same content, yet gives him a platform to campaign on. This was a calculated ploy by Obama to allow him to ride in as the hero knight in shining armor.
    The health care system in America is not broken! Anyone who needs it can get Medicaid/Medicare etc. The problem is health care costs? Why does Obama have a problem with Insurance executives making large salaries but its ok for financial services companies that are bankrupt and getting our millions?
    If he wants to lower costs of pharmaceuticals, let the govt setup a lab and do the research and compete. It will look like NASA where the costs are double than the private space industry.

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