Vilnai: We Must Permit Government’s Order of Priorities

Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai, addressing a number of issues, primarily, the “illegal outpost” which he stated are also referred to by some as “unauthorized outposts”.

The outpost issue has been ongoing for years, involving a number of governments and failure to address it today will result in additional complications he feels.

Vilnai acknowledged that Defense Minister Barak also served in his current post in the previous administration, showering him with words of praise, stating matter-of-factly that Barak plans to do as he says; to remove the unauthorized outpost, adding that not a single new outpost has been established without an immediate response from the minister. The Bayit HaShalom in Chevron is a good example, and despite the standoff and the media coverage, the government did indeed move in and remove it as indicating it would, referring to Barak as the former and current defense minister, responsible for the unauthorized outpost issue.

There other considerations, but the outposts are not being ignored he explained, stating the matter is complicated and while the timing issue is relevant, there are other considerations addressed by the government.
As has been the case in the past, using force is a last resort and the administration prefers to use other means at its disposable prior to resorting to this last option.

Asked if he believes if Hamas is responsible for the recent increase in rocket attacks into southern Israel, Vilnai stated “don’t turn Hamas into tzaddikim,” making reference to the incident that occurred in Gaza about two weeks ago in which Hamas gunmen entered a mosque and murdered everyone present.

Vilnai, a former IDF southern commander, in charge of Gaza, stated “In my tenure as southern commander, I would not have dared to send troops into the mosque but we see who Hamas is”, adding “Hamas is a bitter enemy” opting to adding at present, the organization is operating with a modicum of wisdom since it is aware it is counterproductive to renew warfare at present.

Vilnai stated that every single word uttered regarding Shalit is not in his interest and as such, he will not address the matter other than to say the issue remains high on the government’s agenda.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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