Police fired teargas towards the hundreds of curiosity seekers who gathered outside the Geula hostel on 4 Tzfania Street following the fatal stabbing incident at that location on Sunday night. The victim and the Arab assailant, an employee of the hostel, were apparently arguing during the day, which culminated in the deadly act. The suspect was apprehended later in the night by border police north of Yerushalayim.
Police report the fatal incident was the result of an argument, a criminal homicide, not a terror attack, as was reported immediately following the incident. The victim sustained multiple stab wounds and resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful, compelling EMS officials to pronounce the victim, a male in his 50s, dead on the scene.
The ruckus appears to have begun when police requested to have an autopsy performed to determine the cause of death. The news spread quickly, agitating and angering those who gathered at the murder site. Rocks began flying and police responded with teargas. Some eyewitness accuse police of brutality. Police commanders report they responded to unprovoked attacks against officers.
It appears a police vehicle leaving the scene struck and injured a male, Yanky Klein, who is a member of the Satmar community. Eyewitnesses report Klein was dragged a number of meters by a police vehicle. Klein appears to have sustained a head injury, reported in moderate condition when transported to a hospital. There is no update on his condition available on Monday morning.
At least 12 adults and youths sustained minor injuries from rocks and teargas. Police report a number of injuries as well.
Violence continued into the early morning hours, with isolated incidents reported. On David Yellin Street, a police vehicle was set ablaze. Police were able to extinguish the blaze, which resulted in light damage. Vandals also set fire to a social services office on Yechezkel Street.
Several tens of protestors were reported outside the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute on Monday morning where the autopsy on the niftar is scheduled to take place.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
7 Responses
Duh… Geeee…. If the niftar was stabbed 10 times, whadda ya think killed him??? Probably his smoking habit finally caught up with him! — Why on earth would they need to do an autopsy here? What possible difference does it make WHICH specific stab wound was the one that actually ended his life!?!?!
Seems like the butchers I Israel don’t know how the guy died so I would like to help as it seems they need it:
To all the Tzadikim Protesting for “KOVED HAMES” “KOVED SHABBOS” “PROTECT A POOR JEWISH MOTHER” the torah is on your side, the torah will fight for you even on the moment it sounds like the Tziyonim are doing what they want with you, arrasting, Gas bombs, driving on you by israeli Police Cars E.T.C.
Don’t worry you will win. I wish My next “Kvitel before Tishrei will reach to one of you protesters espacilly to one that was hit, or arrested by the zionist police.
By the way there ia a lot of Comments here on YWN against you those are from pepole or Tenokes Sha’nisbi or not yidan. because a yid will not talk like that.
EIDA ! EIDA ! CHAZAK VE”AMOTZ. its a Zachiya for klal yisruel that you are the MANHIGAM.
Where can I send some money for the EIDA or to the Tzadikim.
I’m wondering on the people Comenting here on YWN.
Are you normal people or not, how could you call
Tzadikam with MESIRAS NAFASH
“Violence Follows Tragic Fatal Stabbing in Geula”
And the israeli police Rots’cham they are nice people.
Who are Violating the law if not this rotscham ???
how come you always will protect the police, and not the MESIRAS NAFASH yidan. do you know its ELAll, watch your self.
Breaking news:
The yarishlam ROOV , Hatzadik R’ TOVYA WEISS SHALITA. called the rabunim in america & Euorpe to arrange a massiv protest against the israeli council in N.Y. and washington and all over.
now you will have a chance to be a part of about 100,000 yidan who will support our brothers in Yarihaleim.
P.S. to the conftiable people here on YWN you have no excuse not to come, the police in NYC are not israelis they wont hit you or throw gas bomes on you or drive on you.
To #11
1) I think instead of Davaning or putting on Tallis & Tefilin you shall say their is enough satmar people doing that and I will be learning, working, or debating.
2) I dont know what you call “popular support the Eidah has lost through its violence” people who remember for years say they dont remember for years that the shall be so strong by their supporters, that week and now months if the “EIDA” says to go to the protest, even they know that could end up in jail or in hospital they go with “MESIRAS NAFASH”.
3) what do you mean by “kid’s gloves” go look on some pictures that was even on the YWN and than tell me what worse could they do. (dont forget dont call them NATZI)
bottom line, in every country on the world you will not be allowed to open a parking lot if the neigbers will be complaining.
is the entire Chareidi world crazy? A Jew was stabbed by an Arab, a murder was committed and the body was needed for evidence. In the real world there are laws and rules. In Chareidi world, it is done “our way” How will the murderer be prosecuted without evidence? Even according to Halacha, there must be evidence? Is that worth rioting? What should the police have to put up with a riot, because a few Chareidim feel that the body should not have gone to the morgue? Are you all crazy?
and to moshe1 — if you are able to go leave the Beis Medrash to go to a rally against the government, then maybe you can also leave the Beis Medrash to get a job or join the Army.