Police Chief Cohen: Zero Tolerance to Calls of “Nazi”

mishtara5.jpgPolice Chief Dudi Cohen told reporters that while all segments of the population are indeed permitted to exercise their right to protest, he will no longer tolerate shouts of “Nazi” leveled at policemen or acts of spitting at law-enforcement officials. Cohen made his remarks in connection to the weekly Eida Chareidis shabbos protests surrounding the opposition to the opening of Karta parking lot in the capital on shabbos.

Speaking on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Sunday morning, with the station dedicating the day to addressing violence in the nation’s public schools, the police chief stated he cannot continue turning a blind eye to such acts, calling on the sides to use dialogue and peaceful means to resolve differences. He explained that at the end of the day, the issue of the Karta parking lot must be worked out between Jerusalem City Hall and the rabbis, adding police will be on hand as long as needed to maintain order during protests.

During the Sunday morning interview, the police commander also related to the ongoing investigation into the recent murder of two members of the to’eva community in a motzei shabbos attack against a to’eva facility in Tel Aviv a number of months ago. The chief did not reveal details as most of the ongoing realities surrounding the investigation are still under a court gag order.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

43 Responses

  1. Way to go. the “Jewish” Zionist Government has such chuztpa to open cause such chillul shabbose. Way to go Eda Chradi.But I think Calling them s is a little extreme. maybe they should call them Neo-Nazi or perhaps very radical people. either way they are doing a good job protesting way to go !

  2. In a democracy, such as America, there are no speech restrictions or reprecussions to calling cops Nazis. Obviously Israel is no democracy.

  3. Calling someone a Nazi because he prevents you from closing a street during a demonstration is a bit much. Don’t you think? Did you think that, perhaps, when you call him that you are cheapening what the Nazis actually did? After all if keeping the peace get’s one the title Nazi, then perhaps the Nazis weren’t so bad. How does that sound? Calling a policeman in Israel an Nazi is a crime as well as it should be. Figure out a better way of getting your point across, or do the time.

  4. I was there. The police are very much reminiscent of the Nazis. For the police, everyone with a black kippah on his head is the same as an Arab with a gun. Even though I myself do nothing other than stand on the sidewalk or on the shopping mall terraces, I have had to run for my life twice yesterday.

    The police are animals.

  5. “I was there. The police are very much reminiscent of the Nazis. For the police, everyone with a black kippah on his head is the same as an Arab with a gun. Even though I myself do nothing other than stand on the sidewalk or on the shopping mall terraces, I have had to run for my life twice yesterday.

    The police are animals. ”

    Mr. Breslauer, have you experienced “beavior reminiscent of the Nazis”? Most who did did not survive. I could also point out that the fate of an “Arab with a gun” is getting shot by the poice. How many demonstrators were shot? How many were hospitalized due to police actions? The inflamed rhetoric used by the Hareidim wins no sympathy from those who ordinarily would be arguing in favor of their right to demonstrate.

  6. To all the Tzadikim Protesting for “KOVED SHABBOS” Shabbos is on your side, shabbos will fight for you even on the moment it sounds like the Tziyonim are doing what they want with you, arrasting, Gas bombs, E.T.C. dont worry you will win. I wish My next “Kvitel before Tishrei will reach to one of you protesters espacilly to one that was hit, or arrested by the zionist police.

    By the way there ia a lot of Comments here on YWN against you those are from pepole or Tenokes Sha’nisbi or not yidan. because a yid will not talk like that.

    One think I dont understand, they dont want to be called NATZI, how could you call someone with the name JACK, I think only by his name Jack. so what is here the problem,

    EIDA ! EIDA ! CHAZAK VE”AMOTZ. its a Zachiya for klal yisruel that you are the MANHIGAM.

  7. Daniel Breslaur, I was there too. If you think you were treated “the same as an Arab with a gun” I invite you to come next week wearing a kaffiah and put a realistic-looking toy gun in your belt. When a demonstrator sits down in the road or a driveway the police pick him up and put him down on the sidewalk. Your life was not once in peril

  8. Calling a Jew a Nazi is the biggest and most common curse in the world. It triggers deep emotions. The Arabs, France, England, Sweden, France…all called THE JEWS(not just the country)Zionist thugs. The soldiers in Gaza were not thughs. The rock throwers and mechallelei Shabbos in the name of Shabbos are the thugs.

  9. I am offended by the defense of the use of the word Nazi here. It is truly despicable. We Jews throw it around like it is nothing and then wonder why the world increasingly denies the holocaust, or says the Jews have become Nazis. I got news for all of you, even those the “ran for their lives” on Shabbat-if the Israeli police were Nazis you would be dead. Your families would be dead, or starving to death, or dying from “medical” experimentation, or dying from disease, or being systematically raped, or forced to work slave labor, or….well I hope you got the point. Also, there is no constitution in Israel, much less one like the US constitution that guarantees freedom of speech, or press. There is no freedom of religion either which I am sure very few of you complain about when Christians are prevented from trying to convert your children. Grow up and stop minimizing the horror of the shoah. All, on the left, the right, the center, religious, secular whatever, that compare one another to Nazis are spitting on the graves of 6 million. SHAME ON YOU!!!

  10. לכבוד חכם גדול
    נראה שאתה צודק וצריך להתחיל לקרוא להם קאפו או קומוניסט שהיו יהודים ר”ל

  11. It’s terribly upsetting that another jew can use the word nazi or any other foul-offensive term. Perhaps if the chareidim would create a kiddush hashem instead of a chillul hashem the police would not respond with violence. T

  12. Without a doubt someone who has the audacity to use the term nazi is either greatly misguided or a rasha, or perhaps one may be both. These chareidi thugs who throw rocks and are mechallelei shabbos and cause the police to violate shabbos. A protest has the potential to generate a kiddush hashem if it is done with mentchlachkeit (something which these chareidi hooligans clearly lack). Throwing rocks, diapers and calling jewish policemen nazis is a clear-cut chillul hashem.

  13. So when you pedantic commenters call someone a pig you mean to imply they wallow in mud and have a curly little tail, and when you call someone an animal you mean to imply they bite humans and walk on all fours? When chareidi-bashers call us Taliban they accuse us of 9/11, and when they called the Satmar Rov “Khomeini” they thought he’s a muslim who calls for the death of Jews? When the riots in Crown Heights were called “pogrom”, did they kill and rape tens of Jews and injured hundreds?

    C’mon, don’t pretend you’re silly. “Nazis” is a figure of speech. When a Jewish policeman beats little children he’s morally equivalent to a Nazi killing Jews. Yes, we expect a higher standard from Jewish policemen than Nazis. Isn’t that a compliment? ישראל אף על פי שחטא ישראל הוא.

  14. #36, You think they will arrest such person and charge him with “not being nice to a police officer”? That is no crime in America, but apparently is in Israel. What else will they charge him with, as to make an arrest there must be something potentially illegal having been done? What was the crime?

  15. Someone is going to die if this continues. A Jew will wind up killing a Jew in G-d’s holy city. Is that what the Eida wants?

  16. #37-Pedantic? Why? Because we feel that the evil of those that perpetrated the systematic murder of 6 million Jews was so great, and the memory of those martyrs so precious, that we refuse to minimize Nazi atrocities by relegating them to some juvenile, schoolyard taunt?
    You really don’t see the damage that you are doing by saying these things do you? Your justifications are alarmingly ignorant. Moral equivalency? Like the way building a wall by Jews is the same thing as genocide? The way cutting down an olive tree becomes a war crime akin to a suicide bomber? Keep feeding into antisemitic stereotypes. Keep minimizing the Shoah and calling Jews Nazis. Keep refusing to learn when you are wrong.

  17. Joseph,
    have the police used their arms against the Hareidim?

    On the other hand, Hareidim have come extremely close to murder when throwing rocks on shabbat–(reference upon request).

  18. Seeker, because you are in need I will answer:
    Pogrom n. An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.

    Essentially, Crown Heights was a pogrom of sorts, because it was not officially encouraged, or not a great as other pogroms, doesn’t mean the usage of the word was improper. Perhaps a little hyperbolic, but not wrong. I think that further illustrates my point. It is because of the uniqueness of the atrocities of the Shoah, by the Nazis, that should prevent either one’s use as a metaphor. For example, Crown Heights was called a pogrom, true, but it was not called THE Kishinev Pogrom. That would have been wrong.

  19. Well, the policemen behave like Nazis… of sorts. Yaakov DeHaan Hy”d comes to mind, as well as Segolov, and more recently Samet – Jewish brothers murdered in cold blood. My father was innocently looking out of a shul-window as a child when one of those reshaim ran inside and dealt him a blow that took weeks to heal. Do you have a nicer word than Nazis?

  20. #37 – Why do you only demand a higher standard from the Jewish policemen? Why don’t you demand a higher standard from the protesters as well? They can protest peacefully instead of imitating the the way the low-lifes protest worldwide. They should be setting an example of how to protest peacefully so the world can look up to them!!! Don’t you think it’s fair to demand a higher standard from both sides?

  21. to lenco49:
    why don’t you add to the Zionist misdeeds, the saving of the Satmar Rav. I am sure he wouldn’t be calling any other Jew “nazis”. Because unlike these Chareidi morons, he really knew what a Nazi was and what a nazi was capable of doing. To call a Jew a Nazi shows a total dispespect to the Kedoshim who perished. END OF CONVERSATION, no more excuses for the Chareidi protestors. They should all be asking Mechilah from the police, from the Kedoshim who perished in the hands of the Nazis and from all of Klal Yisroel.

  22. There is only one problem with your theory-

    If the police (and by extension the government) are so anzious to kill the chareidim–why are the Chareidi institutions prospering like never before? Why do virtuall all the demon strators survive the demonstrations without serious harm, much less death?

    Yes, you can come up with a few people who share your ideology coming to grief at the hands of the authorities, as can people sympathizing with Sacco & Vanzetti, the Scottsboro Boys, some of the people involved in the Lavon affair, and any number of instances in Israeli, US, or any other county’s history. There is a wide gap between that and the behavior of the Nazis–i.e. wholesale extermination of the Jewish (and other) people.

    As long as the Hareidim persist in vilifying their brothers with labels such as Nazi, Mengele, and the like, the gap between Hafredim and other portions of the Jewish people (including the non-Hareidi Orthodox) will only widen. This will lessen support of the Hareidi institutions by non-Hareidi Jews in Israel and elsewhere. I know these comunities very well, and am well acquainted with Hareidi fundraising. Shall we begin to close our doors to those who call us Nazis? Shall we begin to identify those instituutions that support such behavior? Most of us have family who, within living memory, were killed by the Nazis. Addressing us as such does little to get our support.

    Is that the way to bring Am Yisrael together?
    Is that the way to imporve Jewish society?
    Is that the way to hasten the coming of the Mashiach?

    I am not happy to see people being mechallel Shabbat, of course. Yet I doubt that any of the behavior at these demonstations has convinced a single person to cange his or her behavior.

    Rather, I imagine that, each time a Jew uses the word Nazi to refer to another Jew, and thus increases sinat chinam among Am Yisrael, the Shechina withdraws just a bit more from our people. Now sad, ad how needless. As if we don’t have enough trouble.

  23. So we demand from trained adult policemen not to beat little boys senseless, arrest innocent bystanders with malicious grins on their faces, or kill Jews, and you demand from chareidim to prevent some wild good-for-nothing kids looking for action, from burning garbage bins, throwing stones, and otherwise acting out, mainly after the protest. Now that’s moral equivalence.

  24. #53, These are protests, not riots — despite what lies JPost, Haaretz, and their ilk report.

    Protests are allowed in a democracy, without teargas and rubber bullets.

  25. This is addressed to those childish immature and naive people.
    ;NAZI’s First they looted the shuls and burned R”L the sifrei torah in the street.
    Then they made us wear jewish stars to further the suffering,
    then they pulled off the beards,
    disrobed the women,
    and gassed them all.
    Some were used in “experiments” such as letting a hand freeze to see if it rots off.
    Babies were thrown in the air for target practice.
    People were sliced up without anesthesia to see what happens.
    Women had their insides experimented on.
    Our parents dragged around for 3-4 months till they dropped dead.
    Our grandparents were incinerated.
    This was perpetrated by people who murdered my grandparents, aunts and uncles and probably yours (unless you’re Yurushalmi).
    Your own granparents would be upset at you.
    I think many of you owe an apology.
    Who’s mentch enough to admit?

  26. I never like to get involved with these Machlokes, but i feel its necessary to make a statement- after some of the comments that i have read on this page- all sides can interpret this as they will.

    My grandparents went through Auschwitz, they had almost their entire family gassed. My Grandmothers father, a talmid chochum and a rov in Hungary was taken by Hungarian Nazi police- was beaten up, humiliated, and murdered in cold blood in the ghetto before his family was put on cattle cars and sent to the death camps. My Grandfather had an entire family wife and kids before the Holocaust- he was pious yid- the Nazi’s murdered his wife, his kids and most of his siblings- for decades after the Holocaust he would wake up in a sweat and fear in the middle of the night- screaming. My fathers great aunt was taken and experimented on to this day she could not have children- she was also severely maimed and spent her life in a wheel chair.

    SIX MILLION JEWS were murdered AL’Kidush Hashem- by the Nazi Amelikites.

    Please take a minute and think about what i just wrote and tell me what you think.

  27. Well, that depends.

    Legitimate protests do not include throwing dirty diapers and stones, and blocking traffic on major arteries. The first two are violent and the latter endangers public safety.

    As far as gathering in public (not blocking roads) with signs and shouting, then this is legitimate protest, and should be allowed.

    the probelm is when some hooligans begin to throw stones and diapers, and when pursued by the police, run into the crowd who then shelters them. (They may not all look alike, but they sure do dress alike.)

    Israeli society recognizes that there is a small group within Hareidi Jewry that is causing the problematic activity. (I know a great many Hareidim; both personally and casually, and every single one–down to the last man, woman, and child, would not bend down to touch a stone on Shabbat, nor would they use the term Nazi when referring to another Jew.)

    However, the “shabab” that does so, is sheltered by the wider population, and, when caust by the police, rearely spend significant time in jail, as Hareidi politicians come to their rescue.
    (Never imagine that protekzia works only for one group of people).

  28. #57, as you may be aware, the Hungarian Zionists assisted Adolf Eichmann in the liquidation and murder of Hungarian Jewry.

  29. I would like to extend a hearty yasher koach to all of those who have posted comments which demonstrate that we, the VAST majority of Jews, are nauseated with the ideas espoused by certain individuals who justify (r”l) calling other Jews “Nazis.”

    To those of you who cannot understand why calling another Jew a “Nazi” is morally repugnant, I can only suggest that you learn some history, first hand if need be, from the remaining survivors of the Holocaust. I cannot imagine a single survivor who would justify any comparison between a Yid (an Israeli policeman or otherwise) and a Nazi. They lived it! They know what Nazism truly was. Their opinion should be enough to silence you forever on this issue.

    Any words which equate a Jew with a “Nazi” should never again come out of your mouths. If you nevertheless believe it to be true, KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES! The rest of Klal Yisrael does not want to here your repugnant, hate-filled opinion of our fellow Jews.

  30. People use the “N” word (ys) too loosely, and it dilutes the severity of what the real nazis (ys) were like. Even if law enforcement is outright corrupt and abusive and yes, even brutal, it is still a far cry from the demonic creatures who were capable of doing what they did as nazis (y’s) did.

  31. sammygol, the protesters have a right to protest. The fact that some untamed youth, unaffiliated with the Eida organizers, threw diapers or whatever doesn’t negate that democratic right.

    And even about those oisvorfs that did engage in their bad behavior, it is not even 1/1,000th of the proportion portrayed in the media. And the cops reaction to them was to attack innocent bystanders and legitimate (unaffiliated) protesters.

  32. #64

    1. I don’t know that they do. But assuming they do, it is likely a matter of pikuach nefesh to allow the secularists to arrest someone for a relatively minor offense.
    2. No one is.
    3. They are not responsible to issue proclamations condemning every unaffiliated bum. And if they would, it would have no affect on these oisvorfs anyways, as they listen to no one.
    4. Yes, if I could do so without involving the secularist, who would likely beat him and detain him for 3 months for a diaper.
    5. That is factually incorrect.

  33. #67: The Reform had long claimed the Orthodox will disappear in a matter of time. You’re claim vis-a-vis the Eida falls in the same category.

  34. sammugol, no one is worked up, but do learn some history please prior to commenting. And learn to love your fellow Jew — even if he wears a different hat than you.

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