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London: P’shversk / Chernoble Chasunah


On Wednesday evening, crowds packed the former Avigdor School playground for the Chupa of the granddaughter of the Psheworsker Rebbe of Antwerp to a son of the Chernobiler Rebbe of Ashdod. (More photos in extended article.)

Rav Efrayim Padwa, Mora Dasra of London honoured the Psheworsker Rebbe to be messader kidushin.


The kesuba was read by Rav Padwa, and brochos were recited by the Spinker Rebbe of Antwerp Reb Boruch Kahana (great-uncle of the kalla), Rav Sholom Friedman Dayan UOHC, the Trisker Rebbe, Reb Chaim Munia Twesky , the Melitzer Rebbe, the Spinker Rebbe of London Reb Mendel Kahana (great-uncle of the Kallah) and Rav Ahron Mordechai Rutner (grandfather of the chosson).

The chasuna seuda followed later in the evening at the Coliseum in Ilford.

(Article written by YW London correspondent)

One Response

  1. lovely wedding it was. organised by a few fresh yungerliet from stamford hill. well done chevra. wishing all pshevorsker chasunes would look like that. anyway mazel tov to chosson and kalleh

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