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Zaka Setting Sights on Global Network

zaka1.jpgSeeking to establish itself as a global network, Zaka founder and head Yehuda Meshi-Zahav traveled to Argentina, received warmly by rabbonim and community leaders, showering him and his organization with praise for its work over the years.

Meshi-Zahav explained he wishes to take the organization’s international unit a step further, adding the Mumbai terror attack against the Chabad House serves as testimony regarding Zaka’s ability to mobilize and reach the scene without delay.

Attending a Zaka fundraiser in Argentina, the chief rabbi, Rav Shlomo Ben-Chamu and Israel Ambassador Danny Gazit were present. Meshi-Zahav envisions training and equipping thousands of volunteers around the world, members of the global Jewish community, enabling the organization to respond to any global incident.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. B’ezras Hashem the new volunteers will not be M’chal’lai Shabbosois and Oiclai Traifois, as is the case with lots of them in Eretz Yisroel, and I’m not refering to doing M’leches Shabbos when allowed

  2. You know what? Why, instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the positive. Don’t think you would go out there and spend hours scraping blood from the walls and street, would you? Didn’t think so. So just be quiet and head back under the rock you crawled out from.


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