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Did Obama Jump the Gun on Rosh Hashana?

obb2.jpgYou know how Republicans sometimes whine that if President Bush and his aides had taken some of the kinds of moves President Obama and his associates have, the critics would be on the Bushies like white on rice? Well, they might have a good case with Obama’s early new years message to Jewish leaders.

Washington Jewish Week and Politico report that Obama today reached out to about 1,000 Jewish leaders in his expanding campaign for healthcare reform. One of those on the call, Rabbi Jack Moline, tweeted through the call about what the president said. His Twitter page noted: Obama: “shanah tovah to all of you.”

That’s a reference to the Jewish new year, or Rosh Hashana, which starts at sundown September 18. It means “Have a sweet new year.” An associate said that the president was just being polite with the rabbis, and spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Obama was invited by the rabbis to join in on the call “as they get ready for their important holidays.”

But in September 2007, when Bush issued a holiday greeting a week early, he was roundly ridiculed for jumping the gun. The Washington Post said that there was “quizzical reaction” from even Bush’s friends.

A former Bushie who remembered the spat said: “Strange. When GWB sent out Rosh Hashana greetings a few days early, he was mocked. Obama is an entire month too early, and no big whoop.”

For the record, Bush’s was an official statement, while Obama’s appears to have been a verbal nicety.

(Source: Washington Whispers / YWN-47-05 / LipaS)

12 Responses

  1. The President is correct. It is traditional for us to begin wishing a Shanah Tovah on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

    Instead of being petty with him, let us determine how to convince the President that — on Israel and other matters important to us — he is getting terrible advice from two misguided Jews, Messrs. Emanuel and Axelrod, not to mention that Arafat-kissing Shiksa, Secretary Clinton.

  2. If this is all that concerns you as Chodesh Elul commences, there is something very wrong with your בין אדם לחבירו ובין אדם למקום!

  3. Come on, anyone who has a problem should just grow up! I don’t agree with any of his policies but he’s being a mentch here and that should be commendable. This wasn’t a official statement just a “verbal nicety”.

  4. oh i’ll be davening for him… for his destructive socialist policies to B’ezras HaSh-m NEVER see the light of day.

  5. #3, You really have a lot to keep you busy in Elul, I see. You got plenty of time to be browsing the internet between Ashamnu and Bagadnu Hmmmmm?

  6. When Bush walked into a fake door he was blasted by the world. When Obama made the same mistake was anything reported???? The media loves Obama so lets just tell the facts and let us decide. He made a mistake and should be criticized for it like any human being.

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