PM Netanyahu Promises No Unilateral Moves

bibi111.jpgInsisting the lessons of the previous administrations have been learned, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu insists his administration will not implement any unilateral policies and create new “evacuees”.

Speaking at the start of Sunday morning’s weekly cabinet meeting, the prime minister stated Israel acted unilaterally in Gaza, which became a Hamas outpost run by Iran, a far cry from peace.

Four years after uprooting residents Gaza and N. Shomron, the prime minister stated the government bodies dealing with the evacuees may be extended due to the difficult reality many families remain unsettled at this time.

He stressed “we will not repeat the mistake”, adding any future agreement will demand two components, recognition of the Jewish State of Israel and security, adding in the Gaza of the 2005 disengagement, both components were lacking.

The prime minister used the opportunity to send messages to the United States and the PA (Palestinian Authority), calling on President Barak Obama to lead Mideast peace efforts between Israel and the PA and Syria. He also called on Abu Mazen to enter into “serious talks” with Israel.

On a somewhat different track, Abu Mazen, who was reelected as the Fatah leader in last week’s Fatah Assembly, spoke of liberating Palestine and Jerusalem, which will serve as its capital.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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