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Additional Details on Marseilles Stabbing Attack Earlier this Week

imageAdditional details have been released pertaining to the stabbing attack in Marseilles earlier this week. The victim was a local frum teacher, R’ Binyamin Amsellem. B’chasdei Hashem his injuries were light as the terrorist dropped his machete and fled.

Amsellem’s attorney reports they have learned the 15-year-old terrorist intended to murder his victim. He told police he was a member of ISIS and he was acting on the terrorist organization’s behalf. He added this is why he was using a machete and not a knife, to inflict as much damage to his victim as possible.

B”H Amsellem managed to duck at the last second, using a sefer to deflect the blow, at which time the machete fell to the ground and the attacker fled.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Chasdei Hashem!

    Another one of the picture from the scene depicts the Sefer Vezos Habracha…

    The Passuk says Vaaveracha Mevarechecha – We get Bentched by Hashem every time we Bentch a fellow Yid.
    See how much Bracha one gets from Bentching Hashem Himself properly!!

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