Elderly New Square Resident Killed by Motorcycle in Australia

candle913.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of Reb Yitzchok Rotenberg (70), a Skver Chosid & resident of New Square NY, after being struck and killed by a motorcycle on a Melbourne, Australia street.

Sources tell YWN that Reb Yitzchok & his wife were visiting their son in Australia, and on Wednesday night (local time), the Niftar was walking home from Shul, and was crossing Hotham Street when he was hit by a motorcycle. He suffered severe head injuries, and several Hatzolah members as well as ambulance paramedics arrived on the scene and did all they could.

He was transported to the Alfred Hospital in critical condition and operated on, but his condition deteriorated.

At approximately around 1:40am a Minyan along with his wife and son were called to his hospital bed, and he was R”L Niftar a little while later.

The Niftar is being brought back to New Square where the Levaya & Kevura will take place.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(YWN Australia New Team)

3 Responses

  1. Boruch Dayan Emmes

    Very sad. Mr Rotenberg was a very nice person, always with a smile.
    May the Almona, Her Children and GRANDCHILDREN find a nechoma real soon together with all of Klal Yisroel with the Geulah Sholayma –

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