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Summer: Expulsion Season in Israel

gush.jpgHe may be in a coma, but it would appear that former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set the bar with his 2005 expulsion which resulted in the eviction of Jews from Gaza and N. Shomron. According to a front page report in the daily Haaretz, the next expulsion is in the works, this time, the removal of an estimated 1,200 residents of so-called “unauthorized outposts” throughout Yehuda and Shomron towards appeasing the White House and demands that Israel comply with dictates of the current administration.

The major operation calls for the expulsion of the residents of 23 communities simultaneously, with a large force operating in different areas, demanding preparation similar to that Disengagement Plan expulsion. Towards that end, border police, IDF soldiers and elite units have been taking part in training during the past week in the Mitkan Adam base, a base usually reserved to permit soldiers to train for actual combat missions. This time, the mission is the eradication of 23 communities, reportedly with the knowledge and approval of right-wing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Perhaps the trial balloon was seen on Monday, with the removal of structures from N’vei Danny, Nofei Yarden and Adei Ad. What followed is being labeled Operation Price Tag by residents of Yehuda and Shomron, violence aimed at Arabs and defiance of authority in the hope of signaling officials that the removal of outposts will compel a response. Authorities on Monday reported settlers attempted to block a major roadway near Tapuach, as well as setting fields near Arab communities ablaze and rock-throwing against IDF soldiers and Arab motorists.

The training addresses major disturbances and violence, the forced removal of residents from their homes and other aspects relating to the operation.  Realizing many IDF soldiers identify with the settlers, the actual timetable and other details of the operation are not being released in the hope of using the element of surprise.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi has repeatedly requested to distance his troops from such operations, suggesting police and police commando units be used, asking that soldiers at the very least be assigned to outer rings involved in the operation, not the actual removal of people from their homes.

In recent meetings with US Mideast envoy George Mitchell, Defense Minister Ehud Barak promised the outposts constructed after March 2001 would be removed, and it now appears the government plans to nothing less.

In the meantime, the residents of Yehuda and Shomron are not sitting back idly; with thousands of SMS messages circulating as the residents of communities slated for removal seek to bring supporters to their respective communities.

In a recent halachic ruling, Rav Dov Lior Shlita stated cell phones may be used on shabbos to warn against imminent outpost removal.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Hey Bibi – are you really telling us that you want to end up like Sharon?!? Have you learned nothing from history?

  2. If they were not authorized by the Israeli (Zionist) government, then who authorized them. If someone claims to be a zionist, they should follow the zionist laws (independent of whether the Israeli government has a good reason for objecting to these settlements, which don’t fit into their plans and would be expensive to maintain).

    If you hold the zionist government is legitimate, they have the power to regulate land use. If you hold that zionism lacks legitimacy, then who authorized you to build a house in some Arabs backyard (I know, the Arabs are occupiers, but they’ve been peacefully occupying for over 1000 years, and possession is 9/10 of the law).

  3. what a time of year for this to be planned, Bein Hametzorim. Netanyahu, you haven’t learned your lesson. You put your trust in a false messiah like obama. He’ll discard you, every Israeli and every Jew, in one second if it suits his purpose. The families, with children, who attend yeshivas, who make their livelyhoods there. How can you disrupt it all — to appease Obama. You pig.

  4. 3, why do you forget so much?? I should really start saying thilim for you.

    Most of these places were inhabited with the blessing of the m’dina. They said to move to these places now that it is shelanu.

    Blame the govt and not necessary the people.

  5. While we hav to do physical hishtadlus of protesting, more importantly, we have to storm the Gates of Heaven. Don’t you remeber that the expultion from Gaza was schedualed for Tisha B”Av? They “kindly” did it on the 10th of Av so it wouldn’t be hard for those fasting. PEOPLE! This is a sign from Above that this is one of the thing we are crying for because of the miraglim! The makor of this gezaira is Shamayim. Make no mistake!

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