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Rav Freilich Denies Wrong Doing Regarding Psychiatric Evaluation

Rav Avraham Freilich denies allegations in the media that he prevented or encouraged the so-called Munchausen mother not to appear for psychiatric evaluation. R’ Freilich explains that authorities are well aware that the mother is five months pregnant, and they told him see needn’t come on a specific day, “but when she feels well, another day or two, whenever is good”.

R’ Freilich also released criticism against Hadassah Ein Kerem, adding hospital officials are “stuffing” the toddler child with food, explaining his sudden and significant increase in weight. R’ Freilich is one of the people who arranged the NIS 450,000 bail for the mother, and she is residing in his home under the terms of the house arrest.

Attorney David Halevy explains his client did not appear because there is a mutual understanding between the sides that her appearance is dependent on her condition. This he explains is the reason psychiatric Dr. Yaakov Weill was unable to meet with her in R’ Freilich’s home. Authorities point out that one of the conditions of her release on Friday was psychiatric evaluation by Dr. Weill in the beginning of this week, hinting the state may now seek an alternative arrangement, which may include forcibly admitting the mother for evaluation.

Justice Shulamit Dotan appears to have signaled that she expected to hear Dr. Weill’s evaluation during Monday’s hearing. Police continue to express fears that the woman will flee the country, seeking a court order prohibiting her to leave the country. Such a move would place her passport number into the borders police computer, blocking her from leaving via any official border crossing.

According to a “Chareidim” report, Rav Dovid Smeidal of Asra Kadisha is behind the mother’s failure to appear for evaluation. Eida Chareidis officials confirm that GAVAD HaGaon HaRav Tuvia Weiss Shlita has appointed Rav Smeidal as the liaison to the family, and media reports indicate he persuaded the mother to avoid the evaluation in compliance with the court order.

Yisrael HaYom quoting “family officials” states “if she fails the evaluation she will be sent to a psychiatric facility and if she passes, she will be placed on trial”.

Reports indicate Rav Smeidal feels that for as long as the mother is prohibited from seeing her children and the toddler is compelled to remain in Hadassah, there is no reason for her to cooperate with the court. Rav Freilich on the other hand denies the information appearing in the various reports, including Yisrael HaYom and Chareidim. R’ Freilich explains that the family is interested in reaching an agreement but simultaneously, is aware they are bound by the decisions of GAVAD Weiss. The family’s official spokesman declined comment.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Rav Smeidel then is obstructing justice; a crime. This woman made a deal. She’s obligated to keep it, or suffer the consequences. Anyone who interferes with the administration of this case, is obstructing justice and could even face accessorial liability; the GAVAD of the Eida Hachareidis included. It’s high time the tail stopped wagging the dog.

  2. I don’t get it – why would she want to flee the country if her family – her kids who need her – are there?? And how can there be such conflicting reports on the same story – some people claim she’s really guilty and some people say she’s really innocent???

  3. #3- not conflicting at all…
    If you’re a zionist- then they say she’s guilty- it’s a plot against charaidishe people..
    Just like when they stole kids from taiminer people.. Same cruel zionists behind it…
    The Satmar Rebbe z’l cried soo much on the zionists… & ppl told him he’s much too extreme…
    Now,,, go eat it….

  4. #3, whats so hard to understand? If she stays and is put into jail which is what the case seems to be (with the Israeli justice system being what it is), she won’t see her kids anyway, plus she will be locked up. And is this really the first time you ever heard some people saying guilty and others saying innocent??

  5. Yes number 2, anyone who disagrees with the tactics of people who riot in the streets in response to saving a child from certain death should be avoided. Keep blindly following the trash burners.

  6. People don’t recover from Trauma while the world is publically debating their mental health.

    Can we all go back to minding our own business, so that the stress around this mother can be REDUCED, not INCREASED???

    Regardless if she was starving her child, or the child was not thriving for a physiological reason… don’t we all want them both to be a healthy family?


    Hatznea Leches es Hashem Elokecha is not about women’s fashions.

    Let the courts, lawyers, and social workers do their job, and let the rest of us do whatever it is we are SUPPOSED to be doing.

    May Hashem help all of us to go in His ways according to His will, without the yetzer hara’s ingenious promotion of hidden agendas.

  7. sammygol – -aren’t there folks who claim we frum people went “like sheep to the slaughter” during the Holocaust? Well, maybe we’ve learned that when doctors begin experimenting on live people behind closed doors and then libel the family, we shouldn’t be “sheep to the slaughter”. American Jews can protest for Darfur, they can protest the Chinese treatment of the Falun chevra, but we are silent in the face of travesty of justice when it comes to Chareidim. If you happen to be from Meah Shearim, sammygol thinks you should be a slaughtered sheep, because “darchei noam”, you have to be pleasant, even as a child from your community was used as a lab rat.

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