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Jewish Youth Movement Summer Camp Hit By Swine Flu In France

te.jpgDozens of youths from the world Bnei Akiva movement from Belgium and Israel, currently staying in a summer camp in France, have been infected with swine flu and remain in quarantine, European Jewish Press reports.

According to Zvika Klein, spokesperson for the World Bnei Akiva, the Israeli foreign ministry and the youth movement are in contact with relevant health authorities on the issue.

The camp in Normandy, northwestern of France, was closed and participants are not allowed to leave while supplies are not allowed in the building.

At least two campers from Belgium have tested positive for H1N1 virus, according to Zev Schwartz, executive secretary of the World Bnei Akiva movement.

French health ministry officials are involved in the case.

The religious-Zionist Bnei Akiva youth movement maintains dozens of camps for Jewish youth throughout the world.

The outbreak of the H1N1 flu also struck Jewish camps in Canada. At least 100 campers and staff at two of Camp Ramah’s Canadian camps have been infected with the disease, the Toronto Star newspaper reported.

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