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Hatzolah Israel takes some heat

Members of Hatzolah Israel whom are all Shomrei Shabbos, are not playing a hand in the logistical preparations for the event. Responding to the report was Jerusalem Councilman Saar Netanel from the left-wing secular Meretz-Yahad Party, who stated the Hatzolah members have “forgotten what it is to be a Jew.”

7 Responses

  1. Saar Netanel, a man with a sense of humor!! “Forgotten what it is to be a Jew” !!! Suporters of the march are going to tell me what it’s like to be a jew?? Jewlarious!!

  2. “forgotten what it is to be a Jew.” That is the most oxymoron statement he can make!
    Can you blame them for not wanting to deal with these peoples diseases?

  3. right getting up at 3am to help a stranger is forgetting what it means to be a jew, but being mechalel shem shamaayim b’rabim is remebering what it means???
    I think some one fell on thier head

  4. Sammyg said: “Can you blame them for not wanting to deal with these peoples diseases?” You are so right. As is well known, these are the groups that tend to be infested with AIDS. Dumum b’roshum. The tzadikim of Hatzoloh cannot be expected to expose themselves to this kind of risk for people who, al pi Torah, do not have a din of ameesecha.

  5. CNN had a report where Saar Netanel was listed as a councilman with an alternative lifestyle. Of course the media will pick the one councilman who has something inflammatory and stupid to say. I wonder what this guy does to remember he is Jewish!?!? I guess Hatzolah of E”Y is making a quiet but obvious macha’ah of their own. kol hakovod!! it just shows how unliberal liberals are about others!

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