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VIDEO: Zoabi Accuses Bennett of Boasting he Killed Terrorists


Using the Knesset podium to spread her message, Arab MK Hanin Zoabi questions the justification for outlawing the Northern Branch of the Israel Islamic Movement, asking for some type of proof of the threat the organization poses to Israel.

She then accuses Education Minister Naftali Bennett of having boasted of killing terrorists during his IDF career and saying “I should have killed more terrorists”.

Bennett was given an opportunity to respond to the accusations and he explained “What was said is that in the framework of IDF service terrorists were killed and more terrorists should have killed since anyone who wishes to strike the State of Israel should be killed”.

Bennett then speaks to Zoabi, mentioning her participating in the Mavi Marmara terrorist flotilla that tried to break the IDF marine embargo on Gaza. Bennett explained “You must decide if you wish to become a part of the nation or not. You chose to learn then get an education. wish to incite we will stop you” continuing that if she and her colleagues wish to break the law they will lose budgets and will be stopped, concluding “if one comes to kill you kill him first”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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