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Vaad Against Torture Condemns Shin Bet and IDF

The public Vaad Against Torture in its report condemns the IDF and Shin Bet, stating they routinely retrain Arab prisoners in a painful fashion as well as degrading and embarrassing them. The report was released ahead of the international day against torture.

The report cites 574 cases during the last year in which prisoners’ were harshly bound and degraded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. As harshly as the IDF may treat arab prisoners, Jewish prisoners in arab hands PRAY that they would be treated as the IDF treats arabs! AND, one big, important difference… the arabs the IDF gets in custody are terrorists who have committed, were about to commit, or have knowledge of others that have committed terrorist acts against the Jewish people. What ever needs to be done to get the needed info these savages have, that can prevent future harm to Yidden, not only CAN, but MUST be done!!!

  2. 2# AinOhdMilvado

    I agree with you 100%. I would take a step further, I would investigate what type “vaad” this is. I wouldn’t be surpised if they had arab members

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