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Haifa University Responds to YWN Reported Racist Event

nn2.jpgLast week, YWN [and other news agencies reported] that a racist event in which Jews were barred was hosted on Haifa U. campus, during which Sheikh Raid Salah addressed supporters.

Responding to YWN was Dr. Amir Gilat, responsible for media relations for the university. Following is Dr. Gilat’s response:

“We would appreciate that you post on your website the University of Haifa’s response to Yechiel Spira’s item Haifa University Event: No Jews Allowed (June 18):

“The University rejects recent reports that have presented imprecise information, to say the least.

“The University is an institution committed to democracy and tolerance. Jewish values are venerated, as are freedom of speech and equality.

“The University of Haifa is a model of coexistence for Jews and Arabs. Daily life on the campus is not violated by tension. Sporadic activities of a few hundred students do not represent the reality in which 15,000 Jewish students and 3,000 Arab students study and live together.

“The University of Haifa contributes to Israeli society as it trains, alongside its other academic tracks, professionals serving the States national security. The University is the only institution that grants scholarships in honor of the soldiers who fell in the Second Lebanon War, and it is proud to have a garin, a group, of national-religious students contributing to the University.

“A few points clarifying the sequence of events on campus:
1. Sheikh Raid Salah was an unwanted guest at the University.
2. The University of Haifa is opposed to Sheikh Raid Salah’s remarks and opinions.
3. Sheikh Salah came to the University under protection of the Students Rights Law, which enables all students to express their opinions and views as well as freedom of student organization and protest on any topic.
4. It was the Ikra student cell that invited the Sheikh to the campus, and not, under any circumstance, the University itself.
5. The University, a public institution that honors the law, was forced to allow his admission to the campus.
6. Admission of Jews to the auditorium was certainly not banned. Use of the term selektzia is reprehensible. Nobody was banned from entering based on their religion. Jews were present in the hall, including journalists and photographers. A separation was made between two groups, the only consideration being public safety. Those who were potential provocateurs, who were likely to cause disturbance and even lead to violent clashes were prevented from entering the hall. The University acted likewise when MK Avigdor Lieberman visited the campus, preventing students who were demonstrating against him from entering the auditorium, with similar considerations.
7. Preventing 150 Jewish students from entering a hall filled with 200 students supporting Sheikh Salah was a responsible decision based on considerations of preserving order. Who would have taken responsibility had their entrance to the hall led to bloodshed? Protection of human lives is a supreme value.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. a bunch of double talk if they are so peaceful why the need to keep them separate. if the arabs and jews on campus get along so well which students invited the anti semite Sheikh Raid Salah i thought the arabs on campus love the jews hog wash

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