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Carter Passed a Message from the White House

ch41.jpgAccording to Yousef Ravka, a senior advisor to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah, visiting former US President Jimmy Carter earlier this week passed a verbal message to the Hamas prime minister from US President Barak Obama.

According to a HaMevaser report, the verbal message stated, albeit in a roundabout way, that the current administration differs from the previous American administration and the president wishes to play a vital role in finding a solution for the Palestinians. The senior terrorist advisor added that Carter indicated he will work to persuade the US administration to move ahead and work with Hamas, adding Hamas is indeed willing to cooperate with the new American administration.

Ravka explained that Hamas is willing to do anything “to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and bring about a Palestinian state,” adding the current US administration “is more serious than its predecessor, and exhibits an awareness regarding the suffering of the Palestinian people”.

Ravka added Hamas supports efforts to establish a Palestinian state based on the pre-June 1967 borders, with Jerusalem serving as its capital.

Ravka’s remarks were quoted in the London-based al-Hayat newspaper.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Jimmy Carter should be declared an enemy of the state. After hearing a clip of a speech he made, almost in tears about how “his” country (America) has contributed to the destruction of Hamas things, at the hands of the Israelis, shows him to be an enemy of America. He anti-semtism is severe and he is being very destructive to all interests other than those of the terrorists.

  2. Hamas can tell them anything since unless Israel agrees to return everything, which they won’t, they can refuse a treaty and yet come across as though they seek peace without actually refuting their real goal. Again out of religious doctrine they will irregardless never publicly proclaim any recognition to the “Zionist entity”

  3. Are there no Nursing home’s Georgia that will take him in??

    When will this fossil finally cease to run its mouth??


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