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Israel: Fetus Found in Laundry Basket – Police Investigating

Police were summoned to the Lebanon Laundry in the Mishur Adumim area on Wednesday after laundry workers found a dead fetus in a pile of laundry from Assaf HaRofeh Hospital. Officials are trying to ascertain if the fetus, believed to be between 18-22 weeks old, was from Assaf HaRofeh or perhaps from the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.

Assaf HaRofeh Director Dr. Benny Davidson stated he has conducted a comprehensive search and he does not see how the fetus came from his facility, admitting he hasn’t a clue as to the origin of the fetus.

Laundry management explained that they receive dirty laundry from a number of hospitals as organizations, pointing out that Assaf HaRofeh’s dirty laundry weighs in at about 3 tons, explaining there are two processes, regular laundry and a chemical process for laundry items soiled with blood.

Zaka volunteer Nachman Shai Rabibo told police that despite 12 years working with the organization, having seen some difficult sights, this was particularly hard for him, explaining the palm-sized fetus had a head and limbs and was already developed enough to look like a human. “I have children at home and this was particularly difficult” he added, explaining the fetus went through the first wash and was discovered as they sorted items requiring the blood removal chemical wash.

Police are investigating but for now, Israel Police must first decide which area will have jurisdiction, Assaf HaRofeh or Mishur Adumim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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