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Mazel Tov: Rechovot Mom Delivers her 18th Child

18.jpgA Rechovot woman, 46, earlier this week gave birth to her 18th child, in Kaplan Hospital.  Her son weighed in at 3.4kg (7.5lbs), in good health. Mom explained that all her children were born in Kaplan. Waiting for the new brother at home are 5 brothers and 12 sisters, with the oldest being a girl, 21.

The 53-year-old dad explained the 18th is no less emotional than the first, adding they live in a 5 bedroom apartment with some of the children already in yeshiva dormitories.

“I cannot say there are not difficulties” mom explains, who shares her morning schedule with the media, beginning at 6:00am, dealing with the little ones who must be fed, changed and require assistance getting dressed and out of the house. All in all she explains, the mornings are generally calm, with the older siblings pitching in where they are needed.

Kaplan officials report that her deliveries were all single births, and this time around, as a veteran returning client, she was able to give birth in the new wing and even received a private room, a rare event in Eretz Yisrael.

Midwife Edith Roth, a 37-year veteran of the hospital was in charge of the birth together with midwife Rita Tismintsky, a 30-year veteran. She explains the couple requested to remain anonymous to the media.

Edith told the media “we were happy to see her back with us again,” explaining her last child, a son, was born a year earlier.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

16 Responses

  1. mazal tov, mazal tov, lots of nachas may the blessed parents raise all of their chillren l’torah l’chupah ul’maasim tovim in good health.

  2. first, it is a big deal for a 46 year old woman to have a healthy baby. At that age there are many things that can go wrong. Second, while it is a wonderful event i trutly hope this man is financially supporting all his children himself. While the frum community prides itself on the importance of children, too many of us are relying on welfare to help us raise our children. If you speak to a non frum person, he or she will likely express disgust regarding the welfare system in Israel and the frum community’s willingness to take from the government in the US.

  3. I agree with #4 ,I’m. One of. eleven & my wife is one of 16 bla”h. B”h my chidren have 50 aunt & uncles.

    B”h keep it up selfless klal yisrael. Kain yirbu

  4. Excuse me, sully katz, your comment was way off. Even though large families are common among the orthodox, ’18’ is still alot. The most children of anyone I know is 13. Besides which, every child is a special gift from Hashem (yes, even #18!), and a cause for simcha and celebration. Hashem should continue to give this amazing mother Koach!!

  5. Mazel tov this is just great new may the parents have much nachas from all their kids. And may they enjoy them in simcha

  6. # 5 : May I please differ with you? But first let me agree with you. You are absolutely correct. Nobody should rely on welfare for their support. But in fact, nobody does! The one who RECEIVES welfare is being supported the very same way we all get supported – from HaKadosh Baruch Hu. This is certainly so. How many people do we know or have heard about who had “made it” and then all of sudden or slowly, loose everything? This, often, in spite of their degrees, profession, investment knowledge and experience. There are no sure formulas. Logic dictates then, that wealth must come from elsewhere.

  7. If you’re reading Yeshiva World News–it is to be assumed you have a Yeshiva Hashkafa. As far as I know HKB”H is capbale of feeding and marrying off 18 in 1 family just like He can for 18 children with 18 difft sets of parents. It is comments like #5 that make me feel that reading YWN is hazardous to our Emunah!!

  8. I’m just pointing out, her olders 21, that means 18 children in 21 yrs, all single births, if this family was shomer teharos mishpacha than this an amazing nase and blessing

  9. well put shuali #13. as for you zalman #9, america is far from the being the goldena medina at this point in history. just goes to shows you how its not anyone but the one above who provides for all of his creations. mazal tov

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