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Chareidi MKs Speak to Justice Minister Shaked Regarding Draft Law

idffChareidi lawmakers including Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, Economy Minister Aryeh Deri, MK Moshe Gafne, and Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush met with Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to discuss the draft.

The chareidi lawmakers met with the senior minister on Monday, 13 Cheshvan as part of an understanding reached with Yahadut Hatorah vis-à-vis the chareidi draft law that was passed in the previous Knesset while chareidi parties were in opposition. A committee was established to discuss the matter, a committee that has convened twice in recent months. Among the members of this committee are Elazar Ben-Harush who represents Bayit Yehudi, attorney Yitzchak Meron from Yahadut Hatorah, and Defense Ministry Counsel Achaz Ben-Ari. The main topic of discussion for the chareidi officials are the criminal sanctions against those who do not comply with the new draft law.

The chareidim are seeking to amend the current law but to date do not appear to have found a formula that is viewed as acceptable to all that will stand the test of an appeal to the High Court of Justice.

The latest meeting is another effort by the chareidim to advance an amended law in the hope of having the criminal sanctions component of the law eliminated.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The only intelligent thing to do about the draft is to end it. There is no military need for a draft in Israel. It has an overall negative effect on the country’s security and causes enormous social damage. It exists only as a means of perpetuating the control of the ruling elite over the population. The sooner we get rid of the draft, the sooner we get rid of the Erev Rav.

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