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WATCH: Gazan Resident Praising Neturei Karta While Taking Part In Celebration Of Flying The PA Flag At The United Nations.

14 Responses

  1. If this guy was expelled in 1948 (he barely looks like he’s 30), then I was expelled multiple times in the last 2500 years.

  2. Can we stop calling these clowns Neturei Karta, they are not the real Neturei Karta, but a small break off group that as only a few hundred people. The real Neturei Karta, while opposing Zionism, does not and never supported the Palestinian cause. During last summers Gaza war the real Neturei Karta even said Tehilim for the safety of the Israeli Soldiers. They may oppose zionism, they may boycott using any state social services and more, but they never had and do not support the Palestinians. So let’s stop calling this fake offshoot “Neturei Karta” as it is insulting to the real group. Can we call then the Fake Neturei Karta or something

  3. What has the world come to??? From a outsiders view the whole situation is Israel looks bad enough (between the Jews and the Palestinians) Do we need Jews against Jews?? FRUMMER FERDS. What does waving a Palestinian flag imply?? Want more brutal terrorist attacks?? Support Palestine? Go take your extremism elsewhere. This is the biggest Chillel Hashem. Wearing a shtrammel and a bekishe doesn’t make you Jewish, YOU GUYS ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO JUDAISM

  4. That so called “Palestinian” looks too young to have been expelled from Tel Aviv in 1948 as he claims. Those men from the Neturei Karta have every right to demonstrate, but why bring their young children to this photo op? I’m surprised that they allow their children to be exposed to what goes on in the streets of Manhattan.

  5. “THE Netrai Karta”, what a joke! There’s no such thing, just a bunch of guys from monsey in a little house they call the bayes yehidi shul who are all wackos

  6. I have previously wondered out loud on YWN if — as obnoxious as these supposed Neturei Karta guys are — they are worse than the various flavored leftists who espouse the same ideology. It seems that extreme epithets like “disgusting” etc. are reserved for them only. With the leftists, we just have a “disagreement” but are they too not “disgusting?” Not that I support either of them one iota, but why the double standard?

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