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Levaya of Reb Yitzchok Reichman Z”L

candle914.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac (Itche) Reichman Z”L – long time member of Kollel Karlin Stolin In Boro Park.

He was 47 years old, and left behind a large Mishpacha R”L.

The Levaya will take place at 3:00PM on Sunday at Yeshiva Karlin Stolin; 18th Avenue at 54th Street.

The Kevura will take place in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

7 Responses

  1. baruch dayin emes- rachmana litzlan the amount of young neshamos being taken from this world. may the family of Reb Yitzchok Reichamn z”l have a nechama and may they only have simchos from here on, and may he be a maylitz yosher for gantz klal yiroel and in his zchus may moshiach come bimhayra viyameinu amen!!

  2. I cant belive this he sat and learned his whole life he was a real tzaddik
    may hashem send a nachama to his family and to all of klal yisroel
    and may he be a meilitz yosher for all of us

  3. Oy !!!! I’m coming from the Levaye…. It was heart breaking !!! The brother spoke and there wasn’t a dry eye in the entire Bais Medresh !!!
    He was a all around yid !!! He had a wonderfull mind in understanding ..
    I can’t even continue writing .. I’m crying non stop…

  4. How much tzaros nebech can one family endure? Ribono Shel Oilam, helft shoin vee noor Du kenst!

    The niftar’s mother tichye, sat shiva for her husband who was niftar young – he was a kollel member in Reb Moshe Feinstein’s kollel. The yunge almana is sitting shiva, now,for a second time and her parents yb”l, Rabbi and Rebbitzen Avrohom Yosef Rosenberg will have to be menacheim their daughter yet again. Reb Yitzchok z”l and his wife lost their son z”l suddenly a couple years ago. The siblings sat shiva already! How much more? Ribono Shel Oilam Zugt shoin “DAI – Genug!”

  5. Oy how it pains our hearts.Reb itcha was such a bal middus such a eirliche yid.How it pains our hearts .He went through so much in his life .And still never questioned, just hard to understand how he was able to all ways be so happy .His bitochen and emunah was one of a kind.let him be a mieletz yosher for us all.

  6. what a great pain!
    i hope the mispacha will be ‘g’traisted by the knowledge that this father and husband was a tzadik gomer , suffering for the avonos of our generation. may he be a meilitz yosher for the his mispocho and for klal yisroel.
    hamokom yenachem eschem bsoch aveili tzion v’yerushayim.

  7. Please send tzedakah checks for Reb Yitzchok’s family made out to:

    Keren Yitzchok Isaac
    c/o Sears 1225 Ocean Parkway, apt. 1-C,
    Brooklyn, NY 11239

    Other chaveirim and askonim will be involved in this tzedakah campaign in the coming weeks.

    Reb Yitzchok left an almona and ten children. Please help!

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